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Slacktivisism: Raising Awareness by Brian Dunning

Coursework Instructions:

Step #1: Read "Slacktivisism: Raising Awareness" by Brian Dunning from pages 405 to page 409 of your book the “Signs of Life in the USA” 9th edition by author’s Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon.
Step #2: Now answer the following questions…
• Question 1). Define in your own words what Dunning means by "slacktivism."
• Question 2). Why does Dunning consider Kony 2012 "slactivism at its very worst"?
• Question 3). Explain, how in Dunning's view, slacktivism can be "counterproductive".
• Question 4). Characterize Dunning's tone here. How does it affect your response to his argument?
Notes from me to the writer…
• The assignment must be done in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1 inch margins all around.
• The ISBN for the book of “Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers”. Ninth Edition is ISBN 1-3190-5663-6
• I did include image files with screenshots of the pages that include "Slacktivisism: Raising Awareness" by Brian Dunning from pages 405 to page 409
Thank you for your time.

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Slacktivism: Raising Awareness
Question 1: Define in your own words what Dunning means by "slacktivism."
After reading Slacktivism: Raising Awareness, I got to understand that slacktivism is all about showing support to someone to boost the ego. When an individual shows respect to others and values them, he directly contributes to their betterment and welfare. However, slacktivism may urge them to do something bad. The underlying cause should be the promotion of low-cost efforts or actions that can lead to success in the end.
Question 2: Why does Dunning consider Kony 2012 "slactivism at its very worst"?
Kony 2012 was indeed a huge success, attracting social media users in no time and having the fastest ever take-off on YouTube in the history...
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