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Herbert Mead’s Symbolic Interactionism. Social Sciences Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

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We have used the model of dual aspects of self, i.e., the "I" andthe"Me," to interpret recent experiences. The content of your Twenty Statements Test describes the latterof these aspects, self as social object. In this assignment you are asked to analyze this content. For instance, if we consider that each of these statuses can be seen as either ascribed or achieved, identify which type is most common. Why do you think that is the case? Which of the statuses is most central to your identity at this time in your life? Please explain. What expectations do you have for future contents of this list? Can you identify any of the current statuses that you look forward to changing? Have you experienced strains or conflicts among the roles attached to the statuses you now occupy? Please present an example(s) of how this has occurred.

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September 23, 2019
Herbert Mead’s Symbolic Interactionism
Knowing one’s self is crucial for both the formation and understanding of one’s identity. It allows a person to know how he perceives himself relative to others, as well as how he establishes himself as a functioning member of the society. This is the crucial aspect of Mead’s Symbolic Interactionism Theory. Accordingly, one of the tests that helps a person determine these aspects is called the Twenty Statements Test.
Upon taking the test myself, I realized that plenty of the statements that I wrote pertains to ‘ascribed’ ones such as ‘I am Chinese’, ‘I am a boy’ and ‘I am a person with brown eyes’. The reason why I was able to write more of these ascribed statuses than achieved ones is because of the fact that I am young and that they have been present ever since before I was born. In c...
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