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Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Understanding of Marine Debris

Coursework Instructions:

Objective: The objective of this assignment is for students to use a mapping tool to investigate marine debris, the role of ocean gyres and how humans impact trash accumulations.
Learning Outcomes:
Describe the role of various human activities that place stress upon the environment. Students will determine where trash comes from and accumulates in the ocean gyres. Students will need to understand the role plastics plays in the destruction of the ocean ecosystem.
Demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship between humans and the physical environment. Students will understand the interrelationship between humans production of trash and the role this marine debris plays on the destruction of the ocean ecosystem.
Identify several major environmental problems and assess how this affects our ability to live in a sustainable way. Students will identify where ocean trash is comes from and where it becomes trapped.
Describe viable solutions, based on scientific principles to environmental problems facing contemporary society. By understanding the location of trash and the consequences of the marine debris on the ocean ecosystems students can begin to imagine and develop ideas for viable solutions.
Scientific Learning Outcomes:
Students describe the Scientific Method and apply the scientific principles they have learned to theoretical and practical issues. Students will use the scientific method to ask questions, draw hypotheses and make educated conclusions based on the factual data given on the maps.
Students interpret measurable and observable information through inference and analogy to develop hypotheses and draw conclusions. Students will hypothesize and draw conclusions based on the factual data given on the maps.
Students describe methods of scientific inquiry and use critical thinking skills to investigate, question, and solve problems. Students will use scientific inquiry and critical thinking skills to determine ocean current patterns and how marine debris travels in the ocean ecosystem.
Students describe and carry out experimental procedures and/or perform laboratory tasks when appropriate to the field, interpret and communicate scientific information using written, oral and/or graphical means, analyze one or more relationships among science, technology, and society, and apply logical reasoning in explaining natural phenomena and experimental procedures or outcomes. Students will interpret scientific information using a written format to analyze the relationship between humans, marine debris and ocean ecosystems.
Using the following URL to answer the questions on the attached document: http://esriurl(dot)com/enviroGeoinquiry9 (Links to an external site.)
After typing out your answers on the document upload your document to the portal. Word or pdf files are accepted. I cannot accept google documents.
All answers need to have proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure etc. Paragraphs are required where needed. Proper sourcing is always required.
NOTE: Once you have submitted your document, be sure you document is not blank. Log out and log back in to be sure you have uploaded the correct document.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
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Professor’s Name
Marine Debris
1 Why are some currents marked red and some marked blue? (10 points)
Some currents are marked red and others blue due to the temperature difference. Water flowing from the equatorial regions of the ocean is usually hot, whereas those in the polar regions are cold. Warm water always rises making the water in the tropical regions elevated than other regions of the ocean.
2)What is the cause of the global pattern of water currents? (10 points)
The main factor that causes the global pattern of the water currents is the wind. The patterns of the surface currents are often determined by the direction of the wind, the coriolis forces that originate from the earth's rotation, and the position of the landforms that interact with the currents. The wind drives the surface currents by generating upwelling currents combined with the landforms, thus creating the deep-water currents.
Other factors that cause the global pattern of the water currents globally are the density differences in the water masses due to the temperature differences. Events such as earthquakes and massive storms also cause ocean currents. For example, earthquakes could trigger a fast downslope movement of the sediments that are water-saturated, thus creating strong turbidity currents.
3) Where are other gyres, potentially trapping debris? (15 points) (The names of the Oceans)- There are at least 4.
The South Pacific Gyre is one of the main gyres that is found in the southern hemisphere. Secondly, the North Atlantic Gyre is located in the middle of the North Atlantic. The gyre is mainly made up of seaweed and floating debris. The third main gyre is the South Atlantic Gyre, mainly made up of large plastic debris and tarballs. Lastly is the Indian Ocean Gyre. The gyre is mainly made up of the accumulated plastic debris that is mainly generated by human habitation near the Indian Ocean. The main debris that is found in all these gyres is plastics. This is because plastic is one of the main causes of marine pollution.
1 What are the main sources of land-based trash? (15 points)
The main sources of land-based trash are plastics. The plastics often result from the fishing industry, aquaculture, and nautical activities. For example, in nautical activities, the tourists who visit the beach are more likely to dump plastics in the ocean or use plastics that could end up in the oceans. The plastics are dumped into the ocean due to various factors such as inadequate waste disposal management and sewer overflows. Other sources of land-based trash are the industrial spillage of plastic wastes during the production process. Littering of debris, such as cigarette butts, is also one of the main sources of land...
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