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Social Sciences
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Varieties of Dictatorship: Social Sciences Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Here are the professors instructions. “The chapter covers 'dictatorships' in multiple forms and contents monarchy, military, and in civilian contexts. In your summation and reading, what are the characteristics of these kinds of systems? The authors mention 'electorate theory' relevant to economic performances and policies that appeal to these forms of governments to build coalitions. Your take?
What I look for : you have the concept, understanding of subject, and a summary that has an introduction, content/examples where appropriate.”
Attached will be the slides he sent us from class. It talks about the different kinds of dictatorships.

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Varieties of Dictatorships
Dictatorship is a system whereby a single person or group of leaders stays in power without tolerating political pluralism. Nevertheless, there are several types of dictatorship and several ways in which this leadership style can be classified. In essence, dictatorships are differentiated from each other based on their "support coalitions." As a result, dictatorships are usually classified into three main categories: military dictatorships, civilian dictatorships, and monarchic dictatorships. Notably, each of this dictatorship approach is characterized by different styles and political systems.
First, a monarchic dictatorship is a system in which a certain family and its kin tend to ascend to power and stay for many years, decades, or centuries. The powers to rule a state are based on family and kin networks. At the same time, the succession from one leader to another is usually determined by the royal family (De Francisco n.p). Unlike other dictatorial systems, monarchic dictatorships are characterized by less violence and political instability and tend to experience better economic growth rates. In essence, monarchic dictatorships have developed credible political systems that enhance stability compared to other types of dictatorships. Qatar and Kuwait are ...
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