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Vegetation, Animal Communication, and Machine Learning

Coursework Instructions:

1. do exercise 3.6 on page 56 and exercise 4.2 on page 67. (See attachment)
For each sentence in 4.2, be sure to indicate whether the change you make improves the sentence or does not.
2. Watch these three youtube videos (about 20 minutes total) by Chico the Philosurfer.
Never lose a race!!! Zeno's Achilles and the Tortoise Paradox : https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Df0QqRXyHOU&
Infinity in an Inch!!! Paradoxes of Length & Infinity by Division: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=RVm2Fb9i9uo&
How soon is now? Supertasks and the Paradox of Length Applied to Time: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=EFEsaerCCKo&
Read the following article by Flash qFiasco (no, that is not the author's real name). Note that I have enabled comment sharing, so feel free to comment on the document, write questions, make observations, etc. qFiasco_AnotherLookZenosParadoxes.pdf (see attchment)
In exactly two clear and concise sentences, either explain [what you think is] the key difference between the points of view of Chico the Philosurfer and of qFiasco, or explain [what you think is] the key similarity. (Do NOT discuss both a difference and a similarity.)

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Part I
Exercise 4.2
1 Vegetation covers the earth except areas covered by ice to scorched by heat. Plants grow in fertilized plains and river valleys. The edge of perpetual snow are areas where plant can also grow. The is dense vegetation in swamps, ocean edges, and around lakes. There are also many plants found in cracks of busy city sidewalks and barren cliffs. Before human existed, the earth was covered with vegetation and vegetation will continue to exist long after the evolutionary history swallows us up.
2 Animals lack the power to create and communicate a new message to fit a new experience. The genetic codes limit the number and kind of messages animals can communicate. For example, bees can only communicate about distance, direction, source, and richness of pollen flowers. The characteristic of animal communication is having a limited repertoire of messages that are passed across generations.
3 Machine le...
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