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Piano Recital Critique: Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall

Essay Instructions:

The video is a bit long, so you only need to listen to the pieces I marked on the program below. The blue numbers indicate the specific minute and second on the video where you will find them. It should be about one hour long. 
You can describe how the 3 different composers represent distinct musical styles. Talk about the different moods and all the elements that differentiate them (dynamics, articulation, register, tempo, etc.)
There are two recital critiques to submit via Canvas during the semester (deadlines are in the syllabus). Each should be 750­–1000 words long. (This assignment description, for example has 867 words)
Critiques should be based on Youtube recital performances selected by your instructor, or live piano recital performances attended during the semester.
If you attend a live recital, you must submit a copy of the paper recital program to your instructor in class.
Your critique should include the following elements:
· The date, time and location of the recital--or the date and time you watched the performance on youtube.
· The name of the performer
· The names and dates of the pieces performed, and the names of the composers who wrote those pieces.
· Did any of the pieces have individual movements (smaller sections) listed on the program?
· What are the meanings of any titles of pieces or titles of movements?
· Compare the styles of the different pieces on the program. How do pieces written earlier in time sound different from pieces written later in time? You should talk about dynamics, tempo, and the ways in which the piano is used. Is the piano used to make song-like melodies, or is it being used for rhythmic effect? Are lots of notes used at the same time, or just a few? Are both rhythm and melody happening at the same time? Be sure to talk about all the pieces on the program.
· From your own knowledge of piano playing so far, describe the physical approach that the performer had to the piano. Describe the performer’s posture, movement, and overall use of their body.
· What parts of the recital did you really like? Why? Be sure to talk about aspects of the music here—talk about the pieces in terms of melody, rhythm, tempo, dynamics and so on. You can also talk about the performer’s interpretation.
· What parts of the recital did you enjoy less? Why? Again, be sure to give details about the music and the performer.
· One of the main jobs of a pianist is to make sure that the audience can hear the melody (when there is one)—even when there are lots of other things happening in the music. How did this pianist succeed in the pieces on this program?
These critiques will be graded as follows:
Clarity of writing: 5 points
Details of recital and performer: 5 points
Discussion of compositional style
(critique of the music): 10 points
Discussion of the performance
(critique of the performer): 10 points
You can easily find a list of performances at: http://www(dot)music(dot)indiana(dot)edu/events/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
The piano recitals are those that contain the name of a single performer, followed by the word “piano” (e.g. “Jane Marie Smith, piano”).
(for those who don’t often attend recitals)
The performer needs the room quiet to be able to concentrate
· Please SIT QUIETLY without talking, and without movement that would disturb others.
· TURN OFF CELLPHONES. Ringing cellphones are amongst the most disturbing things to a performer. Texting—or anything that involves a lit screen—can distract the performer and fellow audience members.
· LEAVE FOOD AT HOME. Food is not permitted in the concert halls.
· DO NOT ENTER AND LEAVE in the middle of the recital, unless the audience is clapping
· DON’T TAKE NOTES DURING THE RECITAL. It usually makes noise, even if you think you’re being quiet. Just remember what happened, and write it up afterward.
· DON’T TALK during the performance
You must complete the Plagiarism Certification before completing this assignment, or you will receive a score of zero.
This is about your ideas, and your reaction to the recital. Everything that appears in your critique should be in your own words. You may not complete this assignment with the assistance of other students. You may not copy from: printed articles; books; the internet; from faculty members or from other students without proper attribution. You may not submit the same material for two different critiques, nor may you submit the same material in fulfillment of the requirements of multiple different courses. This is a critique, not a research paper—you should really not need to borrow (even with attribution) from anywhere. If you use a music dictionary or website to provide translations or meanings for piece or movement titles, be sure to give this information in a footnote. Stealing words from anywhere is plagiarism. This will result in a grade of “F” for the course, and a report to the Dean of Students. If you are discovered to have shared your work with someone else who turns in a copy of your words for credit, your course grade will be lowered by two full letter grades. To review University standards defining misconduct, see: http://www(dot)iu(dot)edu/~code/code/responsibilities/academic/index.shtml (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Piano Recital Critique
Garrick Ohlsson
Friday 25 August -5.00pm
Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall
Garrick Ohlsson is one of the greatest modern era pianists; the ever-smiling pianist is loved, especially after winning the International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw (1970). This legend is loved in Poland, and people appreciate him for his classical music style, although his recital has some old touch in it there is a wrought of changes on the artist and the way he approaches Chopin.
His recital opens with one of his best works, according to me that is the Johann Sebastian Bach, No: 3 which is in G minor. Although this piece is known as the English suits, there is a close resemblance of the piece to the French suites that followed them during the composition of the piece. Amazing is that the artist has performed the entire suite, maintaining a dine legato throughout without resorting to the pedal.
On the Prelude he adopted a tempo that I feel like it did not give the suite the lively forward momentum it carries with it, somehow he held the internal energy with the picked tempo. The articulation attractiveness for the Bach on the piano was there, and the counterpoint was clear. On to Allemande, he phrased the suite exemplary as he put it in a soulful sarabande and moving, but as he went on I felt that he is tantalizingly moving from that to losing the essential rhythmic nature on which the piece was composed on that is the French dance. This is evident on Gavotte I and Gavotte II where he instills pastoral innocence in plenty; however, he lacks to put in the rhythmically convincing French dance character. There is also an observation on the awesome Gigue, which was the last piece of the Suite, I feel like he could have put in more internal energy to drive it along although he had outstanding independence of his hands this piece lacked internal energy needed.
How one knows this is a great pianist is through his play of the extremely difficult Szymanowski. The piece is the Third Piano Sonata Op. 36 as well let out. It is a one-movement work the last of Szymanowski's Piano piece going back the second creative period. It was dedicated to the director of the St. Peterburg Concert Alexander Siloti.
Influence of expressionism and impressionism delineated the show; one can also see the inspiration of oriental and ancient cultures. There is the fact of the one movement structure, but one can isolate four distinct sections even tho...
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