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Unit 7: Globalization and Healthcare Professionals

Essay Instructions:

The healthcare workforce is increasingly diverse, with representation from many different nationalities and cultures. As a healthcare manager, what steps would you take to manage diversity in the workplace and promote multi-cultural competency in your staff?

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Unit 7 #2
Unit 7 #2
The spread of globalization has created a scenario where healthcare professionals find themselves working in areas with diverse cultures from their own. This reality has brought about the need for the healthcare manager to be better placed to handle the diverse needs of these people.
As a healthcare manager, my first role in managing diversity in the organization would be to ensure that no employee is discriminated against on account of their cultural background. In most cases, some of the organizational culture might be offensive to the people from a different culture and it is the prerogative of the manager to ensure that each of the employees feel comfortable in their workstations. This calls for a thorough examination of the existing organizational policies with a view to identifying the one’s that need to be changed in order to meet the cultural needs of each employee (University of California, 2014).
Instead of segregating people on the basis of their backgrounds, the healthc...
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