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Creative Writing
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Academic misconduct Creative Writing Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

write an essay that explains
what you are going to do differently so you will not engage in academic misconduct going forward.
This essay will need to be at least 250 words and have at least five well-developed paragraphs

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Academic Misconduct: Intellectual Crime Committed by Students
Author’s Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
How to Avoid Engagement in Academic Misconduct?
Academic misconduct or dishonesty is an intellectual crime committed by the majority of students. The misconducts are a lack of awareness demonstrated by students towards the patterns of learning and deliverables. Unfortunately, most institutions focus on providing learning and training modules to students instead of developing fundamental knowledge towards academic misconducts, which is a serious concern. To avoid engaging in dishonesty or misconducts, I will practice a few aspects strictly in life.
First, I would allocate substantial time to study the syllabus with care and attention. Unfortunately, most students are not aware of the deliverables and fundamental instructions provided in the syllabus. The syllabus is not provided with required significance due to lack of awareness ...
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