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4 pages/β‰ˆ1100 words
4 Sources
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Notetaking and Notemaking Skills

Essay Instructions:

Thank you for the note-making paper you did for me last time.
Please read below and answer. Please see the attached videos to complete this assignment.
I also attached some documents ( readings for this week) just in case you need them
· View the video clip in Blackboard and write a 2-4-page reflection on the following:
o Practice your “Notetaking” skills by describing the play that you observe children engaging in for each clip.
o Practice your “Notemaking” skills by analyzing your observational notes. Discuss the ways in which children are “learning through play” in each clip.
o Which domains of development are supported through their playful interactions with one another and the environment?
o In what ways does the classroom environment support children’s diverse ways of learning about the world?
o *Give specific examples from the video clip in your reflection.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Video Analysis
Course Code and Title
Clip One
Note-Taking: The children are playing in the sand with their teachers. They are scooping the sand and emptying it into a bucket. The teacher is saying something to them, and the children are responding through unclear sounds. The teacher is helping one child carry the sand in a green container, and he is emptying it on a different surface.
Note Making: The children are playing with the sand with the help of their teachers, and they seem to enjoy the activity. I think that it is a great activity where the children seem to coordinate their minds as they are deeply engrossed in it. The children are communicating with their teachers, responding in unclear sounds. I find it impressive that the teachers are taking time to play with the children instead of letting them play on their own. With no doubt, the children are in a safe environment. They are learning through play to coordinate their thoughts and 

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