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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Case 3 ant 100 Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following questions in essay format. For additional details, see the Case Assignment directions below.
How does experiencing trauma affect a person’s life?
Describe the term epigenetics. How does stress play a role in epigenetics?
Describe an event in history that could have caused stress-related changes to the next generation (some examples include the Holocaust, 9-11 terrorist attack, the Dutch famine of 1944). Include the disorders these children experienced (such as anxiety, depression, mental disorders, etc).
Why might it be helpful to know how children will be affected by trauma their parents experienced?
What kinds of events going on in the world right now could be producing similar effects in future generations?
Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Effects of Trauma.
Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to use APA formatting throughout your essay with 1-inch margins, 12-pt font, and double spacing throughout. Include a title page, introduction, answers to the questions with subtitles, and concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible, disturbing, or deeply distressing event, such as a natural disaster or rape that overwhelms a person’s ability to cope, and causes feelings of helplessness, unpredictable emotions, and strained relationships. There are three types of trauma, which include complex trauma, chronic trauma, and acute trauma. Acute trauma is caused by a single experience of a dangerous or stressful event. Chronic trauma occurs in cases of prolonged and repeated exposure to highly stressful events, such as child abuse, domestic violence, or bullying. Complex trauma occurs in cases where a person is exposed to multiple traumatic events.
Effects of Trauma
There are several effects of trauma on the victim(s). The initial effects of trauma include sadness, anxiety, agitation, confusion, exhaustion, and exhaustion, according to the Centre for Substance Abuse Treatment (2014). According to Cafasso (2017), trauma can result in difficulties in concentration, changes in appetite, depression, intense fear that the traumatic event will recur, and dramatic mood changes. Also, after the occurrence of the life-threatening event, a condition known as Post-traumatic stress disorder may occur, as noted by Cafasso (2017). This condition is an anxiety disorder, which tends to alter the body’s response to stress and affects the stress hormones.
Trauma also has a haunting effect on a person. Traumatic events can easily and repeatedly play in the mind of an individual whenever one is exposed to the trigger factors. It therefore becomes more of a re-enactment of the past bitter memories. A person’s mental health is at a premium with such trauma, and this might easily be long-lasting if not handled properly. A person would tend to engage in certain behaviours in order to numb the trauma. Such behaviour might include alcoholism and drug use.
Epigenetics is the study of heritable phenotype changes that do not involve changes in the genetic code itself. Epigenetics change the physical structure of the DNA. Researchers have found out that continuous exposure to stress can lead to the medication of DNA that is epigenetics, as stated by Wein (2010). It was discovered that the level of DNA, N6-Methyladenine (6mA), found in the mammalian brain increases with an increase in stress, as noted by Gupta (2018). This increase in the level of 6mA leads to DNA modification, which leads to psychiatric disorders. Stress usually causes certain adjustments in the structure of the DNA, which can in turn result in undesirable functioning of the body and mind.
Traumatic Event in History
The occurrence of the 9-11 terrorist attack caused stress to the next generation because it was a traumatic event, which is remembered to date. The 9-11 te...
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