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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Cybersecurity in Healthcare. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

The Health Information Technology (HIT) for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 increased electronic medical record (EMR) and electronic health records (EHR) adoption across the country, making cybersecurity a growing concern for health care organizations. There are regular news reports on healthcare facilities that have been breached.
Analyze the report: Hackers target health data; 82% of hospital tech experts reported 'significant security incident' in last year.
Provide a personal action plan to protect against security lapses on your watch.
Include the following aspects in the assignment:
Ø Summarize the seriousness of the data breaches
Ø Include your definition of " bad security hygiene"
Ø Describe how you will " create a culture of security awareness"
Ø Develop a personal action plan which you will follow to assure technology security

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Lisa Schencker claims that hospitals have become the new target of cyber-attacks by hackers since many of them continue to implement electronic health records (EHR). Health centers capture sensitive patients’ information that requires to be safeguarded. Some of the patient details input in the EHR include birth dates, social security credentials, credit card details, medical profiles, and health insurance data. In May 2018, Rush University Medical Center disclosed a breach of the hospital system that affected the information of about 45,000 patients. The incident was caused by an employee who sent a file to unauthorized personnel (Schencker, 2019). Overall, system users pose the most significant security vulnerabilities.
Bad security hygiene refers to people’s behaviors that increase the risk of cyber-attacks. Specifically, even though a hospital spends million dollars to implement the most appropriate security measures, they are useless if system users are careless. Humans are the weakest link in the security equation (Schencker, 2019). For example, workers who share their usernames and passwords over the Internet increase the system vulnerabilities since such authorization and authentication details can get into the wrong hands.
Indeed, creating a culture of awareness starts by educating employees on how to adopt safety measures. In the healthcare context, physicians shoul...
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