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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan DUE

Essay Instructions:

The Dashboard, then, is used to create an action plan. Correctly interpreting information presented on the Dashboard provides nurses with a better understanding of the goals of the action plan. This week, use the Dashboard, linked here and posted in Doc Sharing, to interpret the data and frame a nursing plan based on best practices.

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Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan DUE
Institutional Affiliation;
In the contemporary world, health care systems are encouraged to meet certain regulations and standards to earn recognition and accreditation. The nursing institutions are expected to file and report its accomplishments as well as the areas that they experience shortcomings and the possible approaches being employed to improve these areas with the aim of meeting the overall standards of the sector (Merwin, & Thornlow, 2009). One of the methods and procedures that are currently in use is the initiation of the dashboards. The fundamental purpose of this paper is to study analytically the data from the provided dashboards and develop a nursing approach geared towards improving an area within the structures experiencing low scores.
Data Analysis
Lately, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) launched a program that required hospitals within its confines to report to the public their levels of performance in patient care. According to Merwin, & Thornlow (2009) the facilities are required to explain how they incorporate dashboards to change the enormous data amounts into a simple readable and understandable tool used in reporting the status and performances of facilities in relation to patient care as well as determining the areas needed for improvements. By critically analyzing the data in the sample dashboard provided for an inpatient rehab unit, there is an in-depth understanding of the benefits of a dashboard.
This sample dashboard, therefore, includes four general areas that include NDNQI data, Nurse-Sensitive Service line Unit under specified indicators, and finally the Nurse-Sensitive General Indicators. Under the subsection of Nurse-Sensitive Patient Satisfaction is the data representing the variables in RN courtesy (Merwin, & Thornlow, 2009). As indicated, during the period detailed as Q2FYO9, the mean total of RN courtesy was cited as 88.85. The hospitals target in improving RN courtesy actual states was at 92.70 with a variable of 3.85. The next period Q3FYO9 indicated a variable of 2.55 and the next period Q1FY09 indicating a variable of 5.75 and lastly the period Q1FY10 noting a variable of 2.35.
Through the analysis of this data, it is evident that the improvements in RN courtesy were not consistent in health institutions. It is vital to heed that in the principle of nursing practice, patients, their families, colleagues, and carers expect some levels of courtesy given to them during patient care. It is required that RN and nursing staff ought to treat everyone with their care with dignity and some prospects of humanity in understanding this individuals needs, providing care in a manner that respects the peoples and their belief systems, and showing sensitivity and compassion.
Nursing Plan
In addressing the RN courtesy issues within a health institution, it is significant that a nursing plan is developed. Patient satisfaction requires that a set of approaches that include the accurate provision of information, communication, sign posting and staff interactions with patients is developed and strictly followed to the latter. In achieving this objective, it is important that an interpers...
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