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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Professional Development Assessment Paper. Health, Medicine, Nursing

Essay Instructions:

I need to write an essay about my present and past work as a nurse. I worked as a hospice nurse for 2 years and I currently work as a home health nurse taking care of critically ill children.
I also need to list how Indiana state university has helped in guiding, directing and informing of my present practice.
• How your training thus far at ISU has helped in guiding, directing and informing your present practice.
• How the fundamental elements presented in this particular course as expanded your knowledge in practice.
• Integrate AT LEAST five (5) peer-reviewed articles into your paper, using this evidence as a framework for guiding future practice as a BSN.
Please see the documents that I attached for further directions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professional Development Assessment Paper
Institutional Affiliate
Professional Development Assessment Paper
The delivery of quality health care is a primary objective for health care providers and facilities in the United States and around the world. The United States healthcare system endeavors to achieve the said objective through the provision of affordable care and enhanced patient safety across diverse care settings. However, the increasing cases of patients with chronic diseases or conditions coupled with the equally increasing demand for quality care services pose challenges towards the achievement quality care objective. Healthcare systems thus have to implement effective interventional measures towards curbing the increasing demand for affordable quality health care services. The delivery of quality health care services also refers to increased accessibility to the care services. Among the effective measures embraced by healthcare systems around the world is the expansion of health care delivery platforms through the incorporation of the community as a client for patient care services. Similarly, adjustments to the nursing curriculum to include community health nursing as one of the key elements in the nursing profession serves to enhance the delivery of quality health care by addressing the outlined concerns. Community health nursing increases access to health care services as it attends to the medical needs of patients within both the primary care setting and community settings through hospice and home health care delivery. Community health nursing education has since become a primary element for qualification in the nursing profession. As a practicing nurse in a home health care setting for the critically ill children with previous engagement in hospice care, community health nursing proves to be an integral component in nursing education. Provided herein is a personal professional development assessment based on both the current and past working experiences based on the application of the fundamental elements of the community health nursing course offered at ISU.
The United States is facing an increase in the number of the aging population as well as the patients with chronic illnesses that strains the country’s healthcare system in the effort to deliver quality health care. The equally increasing cases of lifestyle diseases and complications in society are also raising concerns among health care providers. The community thus functions as one of the key sources of the increasing demand for quality health care services, which necessitates the development and implementation of effective interventional measures. Among the interventional measures for addressing the increasing demand for quality health care is the enhancement of community healthcare systems (WHO, 2017). Strengthening or enhancing the community healthcare systems serves to reduce the health risks and threats to societies by sensitizing the community towards embracing healthy lifestyle habits and behaviors (WHO, 2017). Developing the competencies required for effective delivery of the care services within the community setting requires the acquisition of the knowledge and skills embedded in the community heal...
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