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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Research - how do you define it? Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

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Research - how do you define it?
Evidence based practice defines 'research' as the creation of new knowledge through studies or trials. (Some folks include surveys and questionnaires. See Research Types.) Looking up studies and trials is defined as a 'literature review'. You could think of this as research with a small 'r'. It is what we do when we want to find out what is already known. When practicing evidence based nursing, you usually have to perform a literature review. You seldom actually have to 'do' Research.
Evidence Based Nursing Process
Evidence based practice is answering clinical questions using a combination of information from exisiting research, your clinical expertise, your patient's values, and the local resources.
Using APA Format, and in 2-3 pages, create a PICO of your personal framework of practice and professional nursing values, and defend it with supportive research.

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Research - How Do You Define It?
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Research - How Do You Define It?
Evidence-based practice defines 'research' as the act of creating new knowledge/information by the use of existing studies or trials. In this paper, my paper will entail creating a PICO (T) of a personal framework and then support with several existing research done in the past. PICOT is the formulation of a clinical question that helps in guiding one to search for research that will guide them into clinical inquiry and professional decisions. This paper aims to develop a PICOT question related to nursing, and some of the research used to formulate conclusions and use them to defend my PICO (T) analysis. The paper focuses on infections related to hospital activities and the impact of hand hygiene on them. It will also illustrate how those in the nursing profession use effective communication to promote the use of the evidence-based practice.
The PICOT approach is one of the common methods among nursing-related researches. The term PICOT refers to Patient (P), Intervention (I), Comparison (C), Outcome (O), and time (T). The PICOT question for this paper is, "Does hand-washing among nursing professionals reduce hospital-related infections?" Based on the question, P represents the patients, and I represent the act of hand-washing, C is using other methods like alcohol sanitizers or avoiding hand-washing, O is the cases of reduced hospital-acquired infections while T is time. Notably, the aim of this PICO (T) is to illustrate that hand-washing is one of the best approaches in which those in the nursing profession can use to help reduce the prevalence of hospital-related infections. The decision to create this PICO (T) can be attributed to that nurses and other medical practitioners are usually prone to hospital-acquired infections due to a lack of integrating preventive approaches. The aim of this PICO (T) is to illustrate that hand-washing is an approach that can be used in hospital settings to ensure nursing practitioners are not prone to hospital-acquired infections. In essence, the PICO (T) question was guided and supported existing articles related to the research.
My research on the importance of hand-washing among nursing professions as a way of curbing hospital-related infections is supported by several existing studies done in the past. One of the articles used to research this PICOT question is, "Status of the implementation of the World Health Organization multimodal hand hygiene strategy in the United States of America health care facilities." The objective was to help in the evaluation of strategies for maintaining hygiene in health care facilities. According to (Allegranzi et al. (2012), most of the analyzed nonteaching public facilities had adequate hand-hygiene implementati...
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