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Situational Leadership and Grand Man Theory

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Compare two leadership theories. Provide an overview of each and discuss the strengths and weakness in relation to nursing practice.

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March 02, 2020
1 Compare two leadership theories. Provide an overview of each and discuss the strengths and weakness concerning the nursing practice
Grand man theory asserts that some personages are born with the inherent qualities to be exceptional. Pioneering studies about Leadership was based on the thought of individuals who were previously acknowledged as great leaders and were usually from the aristocracy (Mouton,2019).
Leaders might concurrently demonstrate both contributory and supportive administrative behaviour and by being well rounded. Conducive projects encompass organizing, planning, and regulating the actions of juniors to achieve the organization's intentions. Securing and allotting means such as human power, materials, and equipment, finances, and the place is individually significant. In this kind of Leadership, it is socially oriented and supports cooperation and discussion meetings from colleagues for resolutions that interest them (Mouton,2019).
Individuals who use both supportive and instrumental leadership practices were deemed "great men" and believably can be competent leaders in any circumstances. On the other hand, the modern view is that leadership skills can be improved and develop even when they are do not inherently possess it (Mouton,2019).
Grand Man Theory can be principally described by the impression of the theory great men or models that are profoundly influential people, which, due to either their appeal, knowledge, wisdom or executive skill, used their influence in a fashion that had a definitive historical meaning. Scottish composer Thomas Carlyle familiarized the hypothesis, and in around eighteen sixties Herbert Spencer formed a counter-argument that has persisted influential throughout the twentieth century up to the present; he claimed that such great men are the outcomes of their societies and that their efforts would be impossible without the social conditions...
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