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Week 4: Business continuity plans (BCP)

Essay Instructions:

Please keep this format and just write the answer under each question so I know which one belongs to each one. Please make the answers equivalent to 1 page. Thanks.
1. Business continuity plans (BCP) describe processes and procedures that an organization activates for any threat or issue that may prevent the organization from carrying on normal business. Examples include cybersecurity attacks, fire, flood, and other business disruption causes. Describe and discuss the main components of a BCP.
2. In traditional warfare, attacking communications and command and control functions are integral to victory. Attacking the systems that are the conduit of those critical functions are equally integral to victory. Discuss three offensive cyber attack technologies and when they should be deployed.
3. Within the US Government, no single department or agency has the ultimate responsibility for securing or responding against cyber attacks. Discuss an approach to building a coordination and collaboration comprehensive strategy across the federal government to reduce cyber security attacks.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 4 Student’s Name Institution Week 4 1 Business continuity plans (BCP) describe processes and procedures that an organization activates for any threat or issue that may prevent the organization from carrying on normal business. Examples include cybersecurity attacks, fire, flood, and other business disruption causes. Describe and discuss the main components of a BCP. The key components of a BCP according to Kondabagil (2007) include: * The responsibilities, roles, and composition of the continuity management team (CMT). * Resource requirements determination * Recovery procedures with documented and detailed steps to manage a continuity event * Well-defined communication procedures in case of a major operational disruption: the procedures should define how internal and external communication should be carried out in case such disruption. * A procedure for active BCP maintenance * Defined processes for training personnel and the creation of awareness: according to Momani (2010), the personnel should understand the importance of following BCP policy, possible consequences of disruption, and their roles and responsibilities. * A comprehensive test plan for regular assessing the BCP as well as for making necessary changes according to test results 2. In traditional warfare, attacking communications and command and control functions are integral to victory. Attacking the systems that are the conduit of those critical functions are equally integral to victory. Discuss three offensive cyber attack technologies and when they should be deployed. * Trojan horse: This is a program that appears desirable or beneficial but in the background, it’s doing something malicious. This can be deployed when the intention is to attack a wide range of computers (Nair & Chandra, 2014). * Denial of service (DoS): This is a type of attack which overwhelms the resources in a system such that they become unavailable to its users. Examples include botne...
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