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Why Some Cases Receive More Investigative Attention From Investigators Than Others?

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following questions:
Why do some cases receive more investigative attention from investigators than others? Is this right/appropriate?
If so, under what circumstances
Make sure to:
Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words.
Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
Address all questions.
Use proper grammar and punctuation.
Must research your topic and remember to cite your source(s).

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Discussion 3
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Discussion 3
Investigators direct varied attention to diverse cases, sparking debates about the reasons for such variations and their appropriateness. Asher (2021) recognizes this trend and discloses the urgency and resource mobilization to specific cases for various reasons. One of the leading reasons for this tendency is that crimes with a heightened severity and significant threat to the public demand increased attention critical in upholding community normalcy.
Some crimes have far-reaching consequences in societies, demanding detectives to commit increased resources and efforts to boost the chances of their solution. For instance, Asher (2021) argues that 

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