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Environmental Symbiosis Quiz: Mechanisms, Evidence

Essay Instructions:

What are some mechanisms of environmental symbiosis? Is your example obligate or facultative? Which of the 6 developmental questions does this topic involve?
How is the evidence evaluated 
Word limit for the quiz is as long as it takes to answer the questions.
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Environmental Symbiosis Quiz
December 4, 2015
What are some mechanisms of environmental symbiosis?
Human population explosion at the global level has led to massive exploitation of natural resources. Owing to excessive energy consumption and mass production the natural environment has been depleted leading to reduced biodiversity. In order to confront this environmental challenge it’s imperative for human beings to build a comfortable and healthy living environment to allow proper coexistence between the human beings and the natural environment so as to achieve a symbiotic society (Scott, 2013).
The following are mechanisms of environmental symbiosis:
Symbiosis is attained between human activities and the natural environment through understanding the ecological systems and analysis of the impact of human activities. All the human activities that harm the environment such as air pollution and cutting down trees must be minimized to avoid further damage on the environment. Human beings should aim at reducing environmental loading, recycle resources and construct the living environment (Scott, 2013). This is in regard to city planning and housing, a keen consideration should be given to health and human welfare. Moreover, humanity should develop more environment-friendly products and design diets that are based on local environment following health maintenance approaches.
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