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Mid-Latitudinal Cyclones

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“From the earliest stages of formation, to the development of tornadoes in supercell thunderstorms, ‘spin’ is absolutely critical to the progressive development of intensifying mid-latitudinal cyclones.” Explain
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Mid-latitudinal Cyclones
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Mid-latitudinal Cyclones
Frontal or mid-latitude cyclones are large moving atmospheric storms. They can be over 1600 miles in diameters, and they have centers of low atmospheric pressure (Bierdel, 2017). The surface pressure can go as lower as 970 millibars, while the sea-level pressure is an average of 1013 millibars. The mid-latitude cyclone can travel for over 1000 miles per day, and it often moves eastwards (Bierdel, 2017). In most cases, the frontal cyclones can survive for three days to over a week and are in a west to east direction. Mid-latitude cyclones often occur on the polar front (Bierdel, 2017). They are the consequence of the active interaction of the masses of cold polar and warm tropical air, which are located at the polar front.
The contact at the polar front forces the warm air to be raised vertically into the sky, and it links with the colder air (Bierdel, 2017). This progression helps to transfer the energy from lower to higher latitudes. Thunderstorms are often assumed to evolve from a low buoyancy environment whereby the conditionally unstable maritime air settles behind the cold front. Additionally, cyclones often arise when the propensity of convergence to improve the low-level circulation of a system overpowers the propensity of the friction on the surface to spin down the system (Bierdel, 2017). The primary balance that determines the flow in the planetary boundary layer is between the convergence of surface friction that seeks to spin down the storm and the environmental velocity that seeks to spin up the storm.
The tornado is regarded as an extension of a supercell’s mesocyclone. Tornadoes do not form from squall lines or hurricanes. As the ground becomes warmer during the day, the updrafts pick up the circulating air into a part of the thunderstorm to developing a rotating mesocyclone. The updrafts will then strengthen and become tighter to form the vertical air column,...
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