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Integrated Course Concepts about Pollution

Essay Instructions:
Modular Learning Objectives By the end of this module, the student shall be able to satisfy the following outcomes expectations: - Module o Prepare and submit a self-reflective essay o Reflect upon and integrate course concepts - TD o Participate in a threaded discussion in which you will reflect on course concepts concepts Integration and Reflection As your study in this course draws to a close, it is important to integrate the course content to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the concepts presented in each module. It is also important to "step back" and reflect on new levels of understanding, skills, and knowledge that were developed as a result of your efforts put forth throughout this course. It is particularly important to reflect on the course objectives (what you were intended to learn in this course). The course objectives were to: 1. Describe community involvement in preparing needs assessment plans that addresses trash (solid waste) and hazardous trash (hazardous solid waste) management issues in the community (Module 1). 2. Describe food safety principles, and the role of vectors in public health protection (Module 2). 3. Describe the role of a multi-disciplinary team in reducing the impact of air pollution on human health (Module 2). 4. Discuss the importance of water quality and waste water treatment for public health protection (Module 3). 5. Describe how recreational waters are commonly monitored and managed to protect human health (Module 4). 6. Discuss the importance of housing conditions on public health (Module 4). Discuss community noise levels (Module 5). 7. Discuss radon and ultraviolet radiation in the context of public health protection (Module 5). 8. Reflect upon and integrate course concepts (Module 6)
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(21, March, 2011)
Integrated Course Concepts about Pollution
According to the rapid volume increase in the types of solid that are hazardous waste to the environment, it is paramount to check on this course. The waste products have risen in the environment due to continuously growth of the economy, urbanization and industrialization. Therefore, with appropriate knowledge of how the pollution that is prone to the environment, good strategies can be put in place to ensure that their effects are combated (UNEP. 2007).
In addition, through covering this course society will be able to help the national and local government in ensuring effective and sustainable waste management program. The course is very vital at this time as it creates a complete awareness of what currently the whole world is facing in terms of health risk due to water, air and noise pollution that is posing a treat danger to the health of the people.
According to UNEP 2007, the statistics that were realized by the global Waste Management Market Report in 2007, the municipal solid waste (MSW) reached 2.02 billion tones worldwide. This demonstrated a 7% increase from the 2003. It is also estimated that between 2007 and 2011, municipal waste will have risen by approximately 37%, which is almost 8% increase per year. In other statistics, that makes this course very important at this age, the Health care waste as per WHO is estimated to be 0.5 to 3kg per person in the low incoming country. The other alarming waste, which is E-waste represent 1% of the total wastes solid (UNEP, 2007).
Looking at the statistics that are given, therefore, it necessitates good awareness in tackling the course. It is paramount to ensure that a good community involvement plan has been pu...
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