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A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes

Essay Instructions:

On a separate page - either Microsoft Word or Google Doc - please write a detailed, analytical journal response applying the message of this poem to the play Fences. Choose 3 of the following characters: Troy, Rose, Cory, Lyons, Gabe. How does the message of the poem apply to them? Where/How do we see their dreams deferred? Use 3 body paragraphs with textual evidence for support - no intro or conclusion needed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Dream Deferred By Langston Hughes
Troy Maxson who works as a sanitation worker reminisces on his past and laments that he was no able to play baseball beyond the Negro league. While Troy emphases responsibility and working hard he is disillusioned that he failed to make it big in his passion. Troy experienced the fame and success in the Negro League, but could not go beyond his and he did not achieve his dream that he tried influencing his son Cory not to play football. Troy represents the past generation where African Americans lost opportunities because of racial discrimination and Troy’s dream dries up. Additionally, in the workplace he questions while back people like him are not allowed to drive the garbage trucks. Even after Try gets the opportunity to drive the trucks he is still stuck on the thought that white people area stumbling block to his success. To Langston Hughes dreams deferred may fester like a sore and partly explains how Troy relates with his wife, children and workmates. Troy survives the best way he can trying to instill a sense of responsibility to his sons Cory and Lyons, but he does not own up to derailing the dreams of his family members.
Cory sought his father’s approval to play college football, but Troy refused to sign the recruitment and in the processed this deferred Cory’s dream. Cory was ready and prepared to play football, but his father’s decision and action jeopardized this. Troy in the past still believing hat blacks could not prosper as ...
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