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Impact of Social Media on Organization Culture

Essay Instructions:

In your opinion, what are some of the most important ways that social media can impact an organization's culture?
How would you want to leverage social media to improve the culture of an organization?
What ways can poorly utilized social media harm an organization's culture?
Please make sure you are making distinctions between and talking about both internal and external social media tools. Additionally, feel free to talk about examples you may have experienced in your work/volunteering or that you have read about elsewhere.
Attached are the textbooks for the course and you may cite them.
300 words minimum.

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Impact of Social Media on Organization Culture
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Impact of Social Media on Organization Culture
Social media is referred to as the information-based tools that are used to share information as well as to facilitate internal and external communication. Famous examples of these platforms are Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. With the rapid growth of social media, the ways of communication have been changed significantly at homes and work. Social media can impact internal and external organizational cultures in a variety of ways (Lyons, 2016). Externally the organizations can use social media platforms, such as blogs and podcasts, for answering questions about product and organization (Rao & Giri, 2019). Moreover, these platforms can also be used to deliver news, case studies, research, and projects conducted by the organization. In similar ways, Collaborative technologies have been observed to create a very positive impact on the teamwork, lateral communications, and relationships in the internal workplaces (Keyton, 2010). Social media can assist these collaborative skills in the employees while working on storytelling, blogs, and editing using the online forums.
Considering the advantages of social media tools, their reinforcement in organizational culture has a...
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