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Major Essay 2: Making Sense of your Experiences using a Theory

Essay Instructions:

Major Essay 2: Making Sense of your Experiences using a Theory
(900-1200 words not counting References page)
Total Point Value: 150 points
For your second major assignment, you will write an essay in which you test the theory and generalization put
forth by LaRay Barna in the article “Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks (ICSB)” against your own
experience. It means that you are using Barna’s theory as a lens in making sense of your own experience.
As a college student as well as a professional, you will be exposed to a variety of claims which you should test
its credibility before you decide whether you will accept as valid them or not. Among different ways of testing
theory and generalizations, comparing it with your own experience is often a convenient way to do it.
Your audience for this assignment is college students and professors. You have to assume that your readers have
not read the article. Therefore, because it is an important part of this assignment, it is important that you provide
summary of ICSB at a location in your essay.
Be sure to understand each of five intercultural communication stumbling blocks and choose one or two of the
stumbling blocks and discuss it against your own experience. To do it properly, you will have to read the
ICSB text at least three times and acquire good understanding of Barna’s arguments. You may have different
opinions from Barna’s explanation of ICSB and want to write about it, and it is fine. You may choose to write
about how Barna’s explanations differ from your own experience.
Lastly, you will have to actively incorporate into your essay ideas from the ICSB text by paraphrasing
and/or direct quoting the original author’s ideas. Follow APA style for formatting your paper and citing the
Due dates:
 Outline: (10 points)
 Summary of ICSB:
 First draft: (20 points)
 Peer Review:
 Final Draft: (Bring 2 paper copies to class)
THIS IS THE LINK:https://pharmacy304(dot)pbworks(dot)com/f/Barna,+L.M.+(1994).pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
Barna's theory on intercultural communication stumbling blocks presents six aspects involved in the process of communication and interaction with people from different cultures across the world. Among the aspects is the assumption of similarities whereby people fail to appreciate the fact that people have different cultural believes. As well, the tendency to evaluate is whereby individuals approve or disapprove others actions. Another aspect is stereotyping and preconceptions which result in discrimination, language differences and nonverbal misinterpretations which hinder the process of communication. Also, the high anxiety results in individuals having fear about the uncertainty of cultures across the world (Barna, 1976). Therefore, these aspects have a huge impact on my life when it comes to interacting with other students a well my future expectations in the career world.
During my school and career life, I will come across people from different cultures across the world. Given the fact that people from different parts of the world have different believes about life, then the manner in which I interact with them will have a huge impact on the success of the things that I do. Therefore, following Barnas theory of Intercultural Communication Stumbling Blocks, I have discovered some areas that I act in a similar or different manner to the theory. In regard to the assumption of similarities, I have been a victim of the same in plenty of occasions. I grew up in an environment whereby I did not interact with people from different cultures until I went to college. Therefore, I sometimes find myself disagreeing with the arguments of other people due to the assumption that my believes about an issue are similar to theirs. However, I have been working on this aspect a lot because I expect to experience cultural diversity, especially in the workplace. Given my career specification, there are high chances that I will be working in international companies hence the high chance of interacting with people from all over the world. To ensure success in the organization, people ought to understand one another in everything that they do. Therefore, if I assume that my ideologies are similar to those of my coworkers from other cultures, it could turn out to be chaotic hence hindering the achievement of organizational goals.
As well, Barnas argument on language differences is another challenge that I face when interacting with people from other cultural backgrounds. In the school environment, there are plenty of students who speak English as their second language (Mkono, 2016). Hence, it is easy to misunderstand some of the things that they say because they are still in the process of learning the language. However, this is not a great challenge because I try a lot to understand that they are not conversant with the language and rarely get offended by their language mistakes. I also try to learn their language and through this, we have been able to interact well with one another hence creating a conducive learning environment (Ollier-Malaterre, 2017). A lot of words have different meaning s and therefore, speaking a second language could result in a perso...
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