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Food and Drugs Act Reviews

Essay Instructions:
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) requires meat and poultry labels be reviewed and approved before use in commerce (with a few exceptions). The Food and Drug Administration has no authority to require review of labels and no authority to approve labels. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? I already found some sources to help out with the essay but you may feel free to find other sources. -Hints for full credit: Please do not use a cut and paste approach to this assignment. Points will be taken off for rambling, disorganized, or disjointed writing. There is no minimum word count, so please keep the posting succinct and brief. Also, I think this will be my 4th order please advise. Thank you. Adriane Fisher
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Food and Drugs Act Reviews
Food and drugs Acts in reviews
The government has always regulated the food and drugs products. The main aim of this process is to ensure quality and the safety of the various products before human consumption. The act in the United States began at the end of the 20th century, and was followed by the enactment of the Pure Food and Drugs Act in the year 1906 (GAO, 2008). The advantages of having the review of labels done by the FDA is that it is able to track any adulteration mechanisms where products are made cheaper, with the addition of impure products or other inferior ingredients (GAO, 2008). FDA would thus make sure that consumer health is protected. Most producers would endeavor to capitalize on higher profits and low production, and the decrease in prices is always a relief to the consumer.
Additionally, FDA is aware of industries where the producer is more knowledgeable than the consumer and thus lower qualities developed that are mostly referred to as “lemons” (Robert, 2004, P.45). To avoid the production of such low quality products, regulations are imposed as to what needs to constitute a certain product, how products need to be labeled and if the consumer’s posses, the necessary knowledge to discern the products (Robert, 2004). Such regulations assist in dealing with the asymmetric information that may be provided by the producers that can lead to high margins, at cheaper prices and low qualities to the consumer. Thus the review of labeling by FBA assists the consumer to determine whether certain products are of the right quality, and such cases refer to experience goods, that the consumer can only tell of their quality after consumption and the others (Robert, 2004). Manufacturers also need to notify the FDA of new dietary supplements in their products. As such, the label “new dietary ingredient” is indicated in the package. However, the problem with the new regulations in labeling are that, prior to the passing of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education (DSHEA) by president Bill Clinton in 1994, no other dietary substrates were ever recorded. If the manufacturer does not indicate the label “new”, then he could have ...
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