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What Types Of Movement Routines Would You Perform?

Essay Instructions:

Write down three or more special population groups for whom you would use a water exercise therapy program. What types of movement routines would you perform? What types of strength training would you incorporate? What precautions would you take

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Water Exercise Therapy
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Water Exercise Therapy
A water exercise therapy refers to programs that have several exercises and treatments performed in a pool and mainly done so that they can ease neck pain and lower back pain. The exercises also make the muscles strong and this helps reduce future occurrence of back pains. A program that entails water exercise therapy would be best suited for seniors, people who are overweight and athletes with injuries (Kisner, Colby, & Borstad, 2017). The water therapy can also be useful for individuals with high blood pressure, those with muscle strains and osteoporosis.
There are several types of movement routines performed in water therapy exercises. The movements include; knee to chest exercise, leg raising exercise and pool walking exercise. When the movements are performed, they help make the muscles strong while stretching them (Carroll, Volpe, Morris, Saunders, & Clifford, 2017). The mu...
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