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LM009: Applying Ethical Standards. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Learning Objective 1.1: Determine ethical and legal business solutions supported by sound reasoning.
An ethical and legal business solution for the case is present but not clearly stated.
Only two reasons are provided to support the business solution described.
Not all reasons are relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant.-ALL THIS DIDN’T PASS
An ethical and legal business solution for the case is present and clearly stated.
Three sound reasons are provided to support the business solution described and are relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources. NEED TRHIS TO PASS!
PROFESSOR NOTE: I will need you to take another look at this scenario, as you did not mention the potential use/misuse of medical leave that forms part of this ethical problem.
Learning Objective 1.2: Describe appropriate actions for implementing ethical business solutions.
Descriptions of only two appropriate actions for implementing an ethical business solution are present.
Descriptions are vague and/or not clearly relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant.-THIS DON’T PASS
Descriptions of three appropriate actions for implementing an ethical business solution are clearly stated.
The actions reflect legal and ethical business practices and are relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.-NEED THIS TO PASS
PROFESSOR NOTE: I will need you to take another look at this scenario, as you did not mention the potential use/misuse of medical leave that forms part of this ethical problem.
Learning Objective 2.1: Identify business situations in which working with the human resources department is essential.
Response states whether or not working with the human resources department is essential given the business context presented.
Only one reason for working with the human resources department or not working with the human resources department is provided.
Reasons for working with the human resources department or not working with the human resource department are unclear and/or not relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant.-THIS DON’T PASS
Response states whether or not working with the human resources department is essential given the business context presented.
Two sound reasons for working with the human resources department or not working with the human resources department are provided and reasons are clear and relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.-NEED THIS TO PASS
Learning Objective 2.2: Identify business situations in which seeking legal advice is essential.
Response states whether or not seeking legal advice is essential given the business case presented
Only one reason for seeking legal advice or not seeking legal advice is provided.
Reasons for seeking legal advice or not seeking legal advice are unclear or not relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant-THIS ONE DON’T PASS
Response states whether or not seeking legal advice is essential given the business context presented.
Two sound reasons for seeking legal advice or not seeking legal advice are provided.
Reasons are clear and relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.-NEED THIS TO PASS
Learning Objective 2.1: Identify business situations in which working with the human resources department is essential
Response states whether or not working with the human resources department is essential given the business context presented.
Only one reason for working with the human resources department or not working with the human resources department is provided.
Reasons for working with the human resources department or not working with the human resource department are unclear and/or not relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant.-THIS ONE DON’T PASS
Response states whether or not working with the human resources department is essential given the business context presented.
Two sound reasons for working with the human resources department or not working with the human resources department are provided and reasons are clear and relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.-NEED THIS TO PASS
PROFESSOR FEEDBACK: Since you touched on the issue of a potential ethical (or even legal) issue involving misuse of funds, I'd suggest you rethink this.
Learning Objective 1.1: Determine ethical and legal business solutions supported by sound reasoning.
An ethical and legal business solution for the case is present but not clearly stated.
Only two reasons are provided to support the business solution described.
Not all reasons are relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant.-THIS ONE DON’T PASS
An ethical and legal business solution for the case is present and clearly stated.
Three sound reasons are provided to support the business solution described and are relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.-NEED YHIS TO PASS
PROFESSOR NOTE: This needs to be reconsidered, as your proposed solution is a violation of the candidate's rights under EEO law.
Learning Objective 1.2: Describe appropriate actions for implementing ethical business solutions.
Descriptions of only two appropriate actions for implementing an ethical business solution are present.
Descriptions are vague and/or not clearly relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant. THIS ONE DON’T PASS
Descriptions of three appropriate actions for implementing an ethical business solution are clearly stated.
The actions reflect legal and ethical business practices and are relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.-NEED THIS TO PASS
PROFESSOR NOTE : This needs to be reconsidered, as your proposed solution is a violation of the candidate's rights under EEO law.
Learning Objective 2.1: Identify business situations in which working with the human resources department is essential.
Response states whether or not working with the human resources department is essential given the business context presented.
Only one reason for working with the human resources department or not working with the human resources department is provided.
Reasons for working with the human resources department or not working with the human resource department are unclear and/or not relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant.THIS ONE DIDN’T PASS
Response states whether or not working with the human resources department is essential given the business context presented.
Two sound reasons for working with the human resources department or not working with the human resources department are provided and reasons are clear and relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.THIS I NEED TO PASS
Learning Objective 2.2: Identify business situations in which seeking legal advice is essential.
Response states whether or not seeking legal advice is essential given the business case presented
Only one reason for seeking legal advice or not seeking legal advice is provided.
Reasons for seeking legal advice or not seeking legal advice are unclear or not relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant-THIS ONE DIDN’T PASS
Response states whether or not seeking legal advice is essential given the business context presented.
Two sound reasons for seeking legal advice or not seeking legal advice are provided.
Reasons are clear and relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources. -NEED THIS TO PASS
Learning Objective 3.1: Demonstrate awareness of instances in which personal values and biases affect decision-making.
An example that demonstrates awareness of instances in which personal values and biases affect decision-making is not present.DIDNT PASS
Two examples are provided that demonstrate awareness of instances in which personal values and biases affect decision-making.
Each example details ethical dilemmas or challenges and personal biases affecting decision-making about professional conduct.NEED THIS TO PASS
PROFESSOR NOTE: THE intent of the rest of this assessment is for you to analyze professional experiences from your own experience, not to provide further analysis of the scenarios already discussed. The reason for this is to help you understand how personal values and biases influence your decision-making in real-world situations.
Learning Objective 4.1: Describe instances when managers failed to fulfill their ethical responsibilities.
Descriptions of only two instances in which managers failed to fulfil ethical responsibilities are present.
The descriptions lack explanation of why the failures occurred, are vague, or are not relevant to the business context.DIDNT PASS
Descriptions of three instances in which managers failed to fulfil ethical responsibilities in a specific business case are provided.
The descriptions include clear, relevant explanations of why the failures occurred. NEED THIS TO PASS
PROFESSOR NOTES: The P&G example is relevant. Now you need two more, which are not related to the scenarios earlier in the assessment, but come from your own experience or other situations you've learned of through news reports, etc.
Learning Objective 4.2: Describe the consequences of managers’ failures to fulfill responsibilities.
A description of only one consequence that occurred as a result of the failures and/or one consequence that might occur as a result of the failures is present.
Description does not include who was affected and/or might be affected
Descriptions are not clear or not relevant to the business context.THIS ONE DIDN’T PASS
Descriptions include two consequences that occurred as a result of the failures, two consequences that might occur as a result of the failures, and who was affected or might be affected.NEE THIS ONE TO PASS
PROFESSOR NOTE: These will need to be redone to align with the instances identified in 4.1
Learning Objective 4.3: Recognize that failures affect the reputation of the organization or the individual(s) involved.
Description of one way the failures affected the reputation of the organization and the individual(s) involved in the situation is present.THIS ONE DIDN’T PASS
Descriptions of two ways the failures affected the reputation of the organization and the individual(s) involved in the situation are present.NEED THIS ONE TO PASS
PROFESSOR NOTE: These will need to be redone to align with the instances identified in 4.1
Learning Objective 5.1: Describe business practices that would either predict or detect situations where ethical breakdowns can occur before they do occur.
Description of only one business practice that would either predict or detect situations where ethical breakdowns can occur is present.
Description is vague or not relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant.THIS ONE DIDN’T PASS
Descriptions of two business practices that would either predict or detect situations where ethical breakdowns can occur are present.
Descriptions are clearly stated and relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.I NEED THIS TO PASS
Learning Objective 5.2: Describe business practices that would prevent ethical breakdowns once situations have been predicted or detected.
Description includes only one business practice that would prevent ethical breakdowns once situations have been predicted or detected.
Description is vague or not relevant to the business context.
Response is not supported by academic/professional resources, or the resources are not relevant.THIS ONE DIDN’T PASS
Descriptions of two business practices that would prevent ethical breakdowns once situations have been predicted or detected are present.
Descriptions are clearly stated and relevant to the business context.
Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources. NEED THIS TO PASS.
For this Short Answer Assessment, you will answer a series of short answer items to demonstrate your understanding of how to apply ethical principles when managing people. Several code of ethics documents are provided via web links. Peruse these documents, then complete the Assessment.
Instructions, I have upload Short answer Rubric form please fallow by the question and respond according to the rubrics (2 its meet expectation and pass) upload your answers in the rubrics.
Access the following to complete this Assessment:
• Sample Codes of Ethics Documents:
o Oracle
o Citigroup
o Verizon
o Top 10 Companies' Code of Ethics and Conduct
• LM009 Short Answer Submission Form (with Rubric)
• Academic Writing Expectations Checklist
To complete this Assessment:
• Download the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist to use as a guide when completing your Assessment. Responses that do not meet the expectations of scholarly writing will be returned without scoring. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate.
• Download the LM009 Short Answer Submission Form, which includes the Rubric for this Assessment. Complete the form adhering to the criteria presented in the Rubric.
This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document, a completed Short Answer Submission Form. Save this file as LM009_firstinitial_lastname (for example, LM009_J_Smith). When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.
For this Short Answer Assessment, you will answer a series of short answer items to demonstrate your understanding of how to apply ethical principles when managing people. Several code of ethics documents are provided via web links. Peruse these documents, then complete the Assessment.
Access the following to complete this Assessment:
Sample Codes of Ethics Documents: 
o Oracle
o Citigroup
o Verizon
o Top 10 Companies' Code of Ethics and Conduct
LM009 Short Answer Submission Form (with Rubric)
Academic Writing Expectations Checklist
To complete this Assessment:
Download the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist to use as a guide when completing your Assessment. Responses that do not meet the expectations of scholarly writing will be returned without scoring. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate.
Download the LM009 Short Answer Submission Form, which includes the Rubric for this Assessment. Complete the form adhering to the criteria presented in the Rubric.
This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document, a completed Short Answer Submission Form. Save this file as LM009_firstinitial_lastname (for example, LM009_J_Smith). When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
LM009: Applying Ethical Standards
Short Answer Submission Form
Your Name: First and last
Your Email address: Your email here
This Competency includes a Short-Answer Response Assessment. Write your response to each prompt below in the space provided. The Rubric, which will be used by the Competency Assessor to evaluate your responses, is beneath the prompts. Carefully review the Rubric rows associated with each prompt to provide a complete response.
When writing your response, begin typing where it reads “Enter Your Response Here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements of the prompt (as defined in the Rubric). Be sure to support your responses with connections to professional sources.
Your Assessment responses require references (in APA style) to support your thinking. You will list your references at the end of this template where “References” are noted. If you need additional information regarding how to correctly cite, and/or reference sources, please visit the Walden Writing Center at
To learn more about effective paraphrasing strategies, visit the Walden Writing Center at
Review the following example item and response for a sample that meets expectations.
Sample Prompt:
Choose a definition of organizational culture, and explain whether you agree or disagree with the definition. Use examples from your own professional experience to support your response.
Whitehurst (2016) explained “organizational culture is defined by how people in an organization interact with each other” (para. 2). While I agree that this is one aspect of organizational culture, the definition does not capture the complex factors that contribute to organizational culture. When I started my first job after finishing my undergraduate degree in business, I worked for an organization whose main headquarters were in Dubai. When I traveled to Dubai for the first time, I realized that the culture of the Dubai office was largely influenced by the society’s culture in Dubai. I found that the organization lacked one cohesive culture and that, depending on regional locations, each office had its own culture. International organizations often face many challenges in maintaining a cohesive organizational culture (Watkins, 2013). I found this observation to be true in my experience. For example, the Dubai office seemed to endow their employees with more allowance for self-direction when compared with our domestic offices. Although people’s interactions with one another contributed to the organization’s culture, there were other factors like location, management style, and societal norms that impacted a business culture as well.
Watkins, M. D. (2013, May 15). What is organizational culture? And why should we care. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from
Whitehurst, J. (2016, October 13). Leaders can shape company culture through their behaviors. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from
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