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Field Experiment 4 Management Essay Research Paper

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Field Experiment  4- FIM460




Given the significant disruptions that COVID-19 is causing, this field experiment is meant to focus on the impacts that this crisis is having on the food industry and the food retailer sector in specific. Read the following news and popular press articles that I have identified and listed below. Take some time to reflect on what we have learned in class and provide an analysis of the various impacts that this crisis is having on the food retail sector and identify specific strategies (think retail mix, supply chain logistics) which food retailers can employ to continue to provide food to consumers while addressing the health risks (to employees and consumers alike) associated with COVID-19. In addition to the sources that I have provided below, find and cite four additional articles (from reputable sources) which discuss COVID-19 impacts on food retailing that support your analysis. Make sure to cite these in your write-up. The write up should be 4-pages (double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font).


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Impact of COVID-19 in Food and Retail Industry
Global Impact of COVID-19
COVID-19 is the pandemic that significantly affected the lives of people worldwide. It has abolished routine activities and caused an impending global economic collapse. Because of these, several industries had to cope up to reduce the number of losses while continuing to provide food and services.
Lockdowns were executed in several countries, especially those that were hard-hit by COVID-19 pandemic. Shortage of food, daily supplies, and personal protective equipment for the healthcare workers and other front liners was evident in most countries, while governments are still contemplating the methods to meet the public’s expectations.
During these times, food reserve is the most crucial factor that created mass anxiety and pushed people to go on panic buying that resulted to a drastic increase in the demand in the food and retail industry which became hard to achieve and sustain due to the decrease in production rate secondary to the decrease in the number of employees who can attend to their duties CITATION Kha20 \l 1033 (Khazan, 2020).
Impact of COVID-19 in the United States
The chief problems include the increase in demand, decrease in supply, decrease in labor workforce, problems in transportation, and the mass hoarding by the citizens CITATION Spl20 \l 1033 (Splitter, 2020). In the United States, the issue of the shortage of food and supplies is still a debate.
From January 2020, speculations by economists revealed that there is a probable mass shutdown of factories and companies that provide the daily necessities of the public. However, some journalists and economists provided contradictory statements. From January 2020 onwards, several newspaper companies supported both of these arguments.
Agricultural Industry
Mohan (2020) states that around $50-billion deficit is feared by the Californian government in the agricultural industry, secondary to the decrease in the number of laborers due to the lockdowns in several states. The laborers in this state include Americans and foreigners who are mostly Mexicans. The latter cannot traverse the border of Mexico and America due to the prohibition of the Mexican government.
Poultry and Meat Industry
Even when grain production is typically located in low-density areas that are less predisposed to the contagious diseases, labor-intensive sectors are greatly affected CITATION Tan20 \l 1033 (Tan, 2020).
It has been stated that there is enough poultry and meat supply in the warehouses. The National Chicken Council does not see any disruptions in the production process. This is contrary to what the consumers experience in grocery stores since the majority of the food shelves are empty due to the increase in demand.
This deficit is secondary to the scarcity of transportation means in the country. Furthermore, the statement that there is enough supply might only be stated to avoid mass panic. The farmers and laborers in these industries revealed that it takes around five to six weeks for a chicken to mature. Additionally, this depends on the type of bird. The combination of transportation a...
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