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Group Data into Tables: Methods

Essay Instructions:

Using the dataset from Week 1 – Assignment 1, develop frequency count tables as follows:

  1. A frequency table with one categorical variable using the table() command and name this Table1.
  2. A frequency table with one continuous variable using the table() command and name this Table2.

Sort the table by ascending frequencies:

  1. Sort the frequencies of Table1 using the sort(<tablename>, ascending = true) and name this SortTableDesc and display your table.

Develop a proportional table with 2 decimal points:

  1. Using SortTableDesc, create a table of percent frequencies using the round() and prop.tables() commands then display your table; e.g., round(prop.table(SortTableDesc),2).

Contingency tables:

  1. Develop a contingency table with one categorical and continuous variable above using the table() command and name this ContinencyTable1.
  2. Display the marginal values for the rows and columns margin.table(ContinencyTable1, <1 or 2>).
  3. Using ContingencyTable1, create a table of percent frequencies using the round() and prop.tables() commands then display your table; e.g., round(prop.table(ContinencyTable1),2).

Copy all results into to a Word document and address the following in a research paper with an introduction, method, and results section:

  1. Identify the dataset and variables and provide context to the research used to collect the data (in an introduction section).
  2. Identify the analysis performed, pros and cons of calculation, and why they are used (in a method section).
  3. Describe and interpret results (in a results section).
  4. Include references.
  5. Include all R code as an appendix.

Length: 5-7 pages

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Group Data into Tables Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Group Data into Tables Introduction Identify the dataset and variables and provide context to the research used to collect the data (in an introduction section). The paper comprises of the major causes of death between the 20th up to the 21st Century. The focus of the research was up to the year 2015. During the research, the researchers analyzed five of the primary factors associated with the death of human beings. After selecting the main factors of death, the scholars tabled the death rate of each disease, thus making the study more oriented. In the original dataset, each cause of death was listed against its corresponding rate of death over the last 116 years. Because of the bulkiness of the variables obtained from the results, the data were grouped into a range of 4 years, thus forming 29 groups. The categorical variable in the dataset was the grouped years (X) while the continuous variable was the five causes of death. The five sources of death include stroke, influenza/pneumonia, accidents, cancer, and heart disease. In the realm of research, scientists sought to investigate why most deaths occurred across all age groups during the last 116 years. This prompted an analysis of the same by the use of mortality data. Postmortems of various populations were recorded and consolidated to form a dataset. All causes of death ranged from accidents, disease, and suicide. The dataset in this paper was a subset of the whole dataset because it only includes five causes of death. In a nutshell, it is a randomized sample of the population (the main dataset containing all causes of death) without bias. Methods Identify the analysis performed, pros and cons of calculation, and why they are used (in a method section). There are two methods used to analyze the data. These are descriptive, qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The qualitative method comprises the use of descriptive techniques, such as frequency tables of both years (categorical variable X) and continuous variables (stroke, influenza/pneumonia, accidents, cancer, and heart disease), percentage and sorted tables in ascending order (Wilcox, 2009). Usually, descriptive analysis is a u...
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