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OL 501 Module Five Short Paper: Smart Goals Setting and Measuring

Essay Instructions:

Prompt: Management functions include setting and measuring goals for a company, determining which elements are key to a particular situation, and leading/motivating the company to meet those goals. This paper will focus on setting goals for your chosen company and measuring those goals. Review the resources in this module for additional help on elements of this assignment.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Based on the TOWS analysis performed on your chosen company, set two goals for your chosen organization to pursue.  Suggest at least one metric per goal that managers could use to measure how well the company is meeting each goal. Metrics need to be objective and meet the SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely. See Start SMART Goal Setting for more information on setting SMART goals.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

SMART Goals: Setting and Measuring
[First Name, Last Name]
[Institutional Affiliation]
Smart Goals: Setting and Measuring
The TOWS analysis revealed that American Apparel Inc. has significant problems in debts and liabilities. A notable increase from the past to the current year in these two areas was observable, and there is a likelihood for the trend to continue in the future. Unprofitability and high costs, including legal fees for the company’s CEO, were the primary reason for the existing trends in the company (Mahta, 2016). Various strategies are practical in resolving these issues, including restructuring debt, increasing revenues or sales, increasing profitability, and cutting on costs and employee layoffs (DeSmet, 2018). Therefore, the SMART goals for American Apparel and their metrics for measurement focus along the lines of the mentioned strategies.
Goal 1
Within 6 months, increase revenue from the new apparel product line by 25% through online selling and content generation using social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and the company’s website on special days such as the Easter Holidays ...
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