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Theory of Planned Behavior and the Probability of Subscribing to a Streaming Service

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VIdeo reflection
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The examples used in this video were related to exercise. Give an example of how you would use the Theory of Planned Behavior to demonstrate a strong likelihood that someone would engage in a particular media behavior such as subscribing to a streaming service. (NOTE: This video takes the place of the required reading on The Theory of Planned Behavior) 300 words.

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Theory of Planned Behavior Reflection Paper
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Theory of Planned Behavior Reflection Paper
According to the theory of planned behavior (TPB), an individual’s mannerisms and behavioral tendencies are influenced by their intentions. Intentions are a product of three significant processes: behavioral attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (Miami E-Campus Help, 2019). Based on the three constructs, the TPB can be used to explain the probability that an individual would partake in a particular media behavior, such as subscribing to a streaming service.
For example, an individual influenced by behavioral attitudes will likely subscribe to a streaming service when they believe that such a decision is central to satisfying their entertainment needs. If they believe the contrary, they are unlikely to subscribe to the streaming service provider, despite the affordability or availability. An individual influenced by subjective norms will likely subscribe to the streaming service based on peer recommendations and subscription history. This argument is authentic ...
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