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Influences of Gender and Culture on Personality

Essay Instructions:

Lecture 8: chapter 16 & 17
1) Where do you stand on the debate about the importance of gender differences findings? Are you a maximalist or a minimalist and why?
2) Do you think it’s true that our culture promotes extraversion over introversion? If so, how has our culture’s focus on extraversion shaped the personality of members of our society?
3) Is the field of cultural personality research problematic in that it may promote stereotyping? If so, what (if anything) should be done about this?
Your mark will be based upon your ability to: 1) show that you understand the course material that relates to the discussion question (35% of your mark), 2) write a clear, well-written, and well-structured response (35% of your mark), and 3) demonstrate critical thinking (30% of your mark). Your response should NOT exceed 500 words. If it is longer than 500 words, you will lose 1% of your mark for every additional word.
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Influences of Gender and Culture on Personality
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Influences of Gender and Culture on Personality
Gender mostly relate to explaining male and female sexes. That conjures the several differences in the gender of humans, some being positive while others negative. All the same personality psychologists have researched ‘gender influencing personality,’ and they have found evidence supporting the phrase (Larson & Buss, 2006). However, the study is more robust by the changing times, and androgyny is gaining acceptance. Culture, on the other hand, clearly causes visible differences in personality where a person decides based on social influence, while struggling to fit in the society. Both factors noted as personality traits influencers prompt curiosity, thus making them the center of this discussion.
I believe that sex differences are real. They may be small or large but still affect how other people relate with us. Evidence such as the way since traditional times, women have different roles from those of men. These days, some people argue that what a man can do a woman can do better or vice versa and, to some point, has led to the current growth of the singles population like in North America. That does not mean that we will be blinded by the changes as even the nature of the two genders differs. The physical appearance matters from time back with though...
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