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Major Project On The Effects Of Childhood Depression

Essay Instructions:

Setting: Suppose that you work for a facility that works with children and their families. You have been tasked to write a training document for new hires regarding treatment of a specific counseling concern related to children.
You will choose a counseling topic related to Henderson and Thompson (2016) chapters 19–20. This topic could, therefore, be a situation (bereavement, parental divorce, et cetera) or a personal disability or disorder (anxiety, depression, autism, blindness, et cetera).
Audience: Your intended audience for this report is educated, but uninformed. Your audience is “aware” of treatment protocols in general and has learned about counseling theories in school (for example), but they do not know how treatment “should” happen at your facility. You will be writing a professional document that is to be used as part of training for hypothetical new hires.
Required Information: For this document, you will need to clearly articulate the problem to be addressed (bereavement, depression, autism, et cetera), the specific impact that this problem has on children personally, educationally, and/or socially (be sure to be clear about what this problem “looks like” in children younger than 12), potential treatment protocols (what does research say about treatment?), and the “preferred” treatment modality of the hypothetical site (essentially in this section you will argue for which treatment you think is the best!).
Logistics: Focus on children, not adolescents. You may include reference to family interventions in so much as they are focused on using the family to “treat” the child, but your primary focus is to (1) identify a specific problem that children may face, (2) identify the various ways in which this problem may impact the lives of children, (3) highlight empirically supported treatment approaches to helping children to overcome the identified problem, (4) explain (and defend) what you think is the best treatment approach- (what is the approach used by the hypothetical agency at which you work.
Include at least 10 relevant journal articles in your paper. A “relevant” journal article is an article from a peer reviewed journal that presents either original research, a meta-analysis, a theoretical position, or some other academically relevant information. At least 6 articles must report on actual quantitative or qualitative research studies (this could include meta-analyses) as opposed to theory reviews. Most of your sources should have been published within the last 5 years. The body of the paper is to be 10–12 pages in length (excluding the required Title Page, Abstract, and Reference Page), double-spaced, and in Times New Roman 12 point font.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The current society faces various problems emanating from the social, political, and economic aspects of the day to day life all over the world. Consequently, the integral role of the family and the community as a whole in providing the much-needed care and support that is demanded by the growing children is often sidelined. Success and personal development is what drives many people, parents or otherwise. Children are thus left in the hands of trained caregivers and other professionals who are tasked with attending to their physical, emotional, and mental needs. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of each and every person involved in the children’s growth to provide the best response whenever they face certain challenges or rather special concerns or needs. A child’s growth and development into adulthood is a very long and tedious process which demands a lot of attention and patience from the caregivers. Complications during birth or pregnancy, for instance, can result in a child with a disability and thus requiring special care in the upbringing.
Childhood Depression
Depression, commonly referred to as an emotional disorder affecting one’s mood, is often associated with both the adolescents and the adults. The effects of depression can either be fatal, leading to death or moderate depending on the level or the extent of its damage. Similarly, children are nowadays known to experience mood swings or exhibit negative feelings that affect their normal daily activities (Cassidy et al., 2013). It is important to note, however, that a change in the child’s mood may not necessarily be a sign of depression in children. Childhood depression is a rather confusing child concern among many parents who mostly fail to recognize or realize it in their kids and at times make wrong assumptions when sadness befalls the children. Though sadness is the most common symptom of depression in children, it is its prolonged effects on a child’s behavior, especially towards normal activities such as schoolwork, interests, and other social activities that determine whether the child is suffering from childhood depression or not (Robin et al., 2016). Social workers and parents alike, thus face a difficult task of realizing whether or not a child’s behavior is indicating the possibility or rather the occurrence of this special concern referred to as childhood depression.
Social workers and other trained personalities within the society usually help the affected families and individuals in dealing with the challenges arising from the growth or in the nurturing of such children. However, and despite the nobility of the social workers’ services, there are several problems facing children today that go beyond the scope of their abilities. Challenges such as childhood depression prove to be an elusive concern not only to the workers but also the parents themselves (Hazel et al., 2014).
Childhood depression is a psychological problem among children that is attracting attention from the scholarly world of psychology and other fields of study. Recent research in child psychology clearly indicates that depression in children is a real phenomenon affecting a s...
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