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Read the article “Personality Predictors on Successful Development: Toddler temperament and adolescent personality traits predict well-being and career stability in middle adulthood”.

Essay Instructions:

Read the article “Personality Predictors on Successful Development: Toddler temperament and adolescent
personality traits predict well-being and career stability in middle adulthood”. Review each item in the
article summary to determine whether the author was accurate and clear. Write down all instances of
effective writing, new contributions to the field, as well as areas of the article that need improvement.
Create a list of strengths and weaknesses. The strength of the article may be that it presents a clear
summation of a particular issue. Its weakness may be that it does not offer any new information or
solutions. Use specific examples and references.
Think about the following questions to help you critique and engage with the article:
• What does the article set out to do?
• What is the theoretical framework or assumptions?
• Are the central concepts clearly defined?
• How adequate is the evidence?
• How does the article fit into the literature and field? Explain.
• Does it advance the knowledge of the subject?
• Do you agree/disagree with the author(s) on the subject matter? Explain.
*Include in-text citation for the APA *
* Include an In-text citation from the textbook* ( Santrock, J.W. (2019). Life-Span Development (17th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Analysis
In their article, Blatný, Millová, Jelínek & Osecká (2015), have examined and predicted whether adaptive psychological as well as adaptive social behavior for individuals in middle school is related to their behaviors witnessed during their childhood and the characteristics observed in adolescence. The assumption made by the authors is that the personality traits perceived in both children and teenagers have a major contribution to adulthood well-being and also influence adaptive functioning. Whilst the article has illustrated the meaning of the central concepts, it would be essential to provide a concrete definition that is critical in promoting understanding.
The authors have offered adequate and satisfactory evidence, which is based on data obtained from this research and previous studies carried out by other researchers in the same field. For instance, xx examined that aggression in childhood has direct and indirect relationship to unemployment (Kokko & Pulkkinen, 2000). It is necessary to note that this resource fits in the field of development since it examines the associations which exist between childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, which are key phases of the life-cycle developm...
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