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Social Sciences Essay: Background of Michigan Congressional Representatives

Essay Instructions:

The class I am taking is Political Science:
I live in Detroit, Michigan
Research the background of your Congressional representatives based on your address listed with CU - two senators and a member of the House of Representatives. Find out about their previous occupation(s), political experience, family, income, education, and other relevant demographics. What percentage of the vote did they receive to win in their last election? What are two policy issues areas they are interested in? How do these areas reflect their ideologies?
Here is a link to get your started:
https://www(dot)govtrack(dot)us/congress/members (Links to an external site.)
Write an essay. Start by identifying all three of your representatives. Then, pick the representative you are most interested in and explain why they interest you. Present the information you found in your research required above in the essay. (It does not matter what representative the writer picks for me)
Writing Requirements (APA format)
Length: 4 full pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources beyond those provided)
This activity will be graded using the Assignment #3 Grading Rubric.
(I can send a picture of the rubric since it does not allow me to put it on here)
The due date is 9/20/2020 before midnight (Eastern time zone)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Background of Michigan Congressional Representatives
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Background of Michigan Congressional Representatives
In the United States, each of the states in the country is required to elect two senators, without any special interest to the population of the state. They also elect a representative. In Michigan, the two senators are Debbie Stabenow and Gar Peters, while the representative is John Mooleenar. A close-up review of the three leaders shows that despite sharing common characters like a long political experience, they differ in terms of ideology and beliefs.
Debbie Stabenow
Stabenow has been a democrat since January 3, 2001 and remains a senator of Michigan till the next election in 2024, where she will be reelected or replaced by someone else. Details on Stabenow were extracted from "Home | U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan" (2020).
Previous occupation(s)
She previously served in the Michigan State Legislature and Ingham County Board of Commissioners before she was elected.
Political experience
Ingham County; during her graduate school days, she won the first election after being elected into the Ingham County Board of Commissioners. She served in this public office between 1975 and 1978.
State Legislature; she also served in the Michigan House of Representatives between 1979 and 1990, becoming the first woman in history to ever preside over the House. She further served in the Michigan State between 1991 and 1994.
Gubernatorial Elections in 1994; she vied for the position in a bid to challenge the then incumbent Republican John Engler. She was defeated by Howard Wolpe in the primary, with a plurality of 35% while Stabenow gathered a total of 30%. Wolpe picked her as his running mate, but they were defeated by Engler.
House of Representatives; in 1966, she vied for a seat in the House of Representatives as she challenged the sitting Congressman Dick Chrysler. She won the election 54%-44%, and later won a re-election to get a second term with a 57% win.
She was first married to Dennis Stabenow and they got two children before divorcing in 1990. She later married Dennis Tom Athans in 2003, and they had a stepdaughter called Gina. They divorced in 2010 after Athans confessed that he had paid a prostitute for sex. Currently, she is a member of the Grace United Methodist Church in Lansing in Michigan.
There is no public information on Stabenow’s income, either current or past. As such, there is no basis of making speculations on her income.
Stabenow graduated from Clare High School before receiving her Bachelor of Arts from the Michigan State University later in 1972. Later, she received a master’s from Michigan State University in 1975.
What percentage of the vote did they receive to win in their last election?
In 2018, Stabenow was re-elected for a fourth term after defeating Republican John E. James by a margin of 52.3%-45.8%. She gathered 275,660 votes to clinch the seat.
What are two policy issues areas they are interested in?
Rule of law.
How do these areas reflect their ideologies?
She sponsors bills and motions that address su...
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