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Human Social Behavior Compared to Ants and Bees (Social Sciences Essay)

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Answer one of the following questions in 2-3 (no more than 3!) pages (double-spaced, standard 12-pt font (Times New Roman or equivalent)). Make sure to identify quotations and paraphrases. All sentences that are not explicitly cited must be your own.

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Human social behavior compared to Ants and bees.
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Human Social Behavior Compared to Ants and Bees
In Leviathan, Hobbes Thomas argues that unity and peace are achieved by the commonwealth established through the social contract. Sovereign powers protect the security of the commonwealth. The powers are granted for the defense of the commonwealth, which is absolute powers. Apart from the commonwealth, Leviathan also covers; Christian commonwealth, the Kingdom of darkness, and manways of behavior. I will narrow down to expound more on why humankind cannot live socially like the bees and the ants, as depicted by Hobbes in Leviathan. I will conclude why it is difficult for human beings to live in peace with one another.
Hobbes states that particular creatures like ants and bees live sociably with one another (Leviathan, XVII, 6). These creatures do not have any other direction except for individual appetites and judgments. I think human beings are different from these creatures because they have a sense of taste, hearing, and touch. Additionally, insects are not emotional, unlike human beings who are guided by emotions and instincts. Ants and bees sympathize and partner to work together (The monist 1904). However, it is difficult to understand why human beings cannot live or do the same. I believe that today, people compete for dignity and honor. Today we get our joy by comparing ourselves with others, and this is different from other creatures.
I believe that Hobbes is right for two main reasons. Human beings are controlled by imaginations, which could be good or evil thoughts, and the senses pass these thoughts. While creatures like bees have organs like eyes, they use to see. T...
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