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Top Ten Takeaways

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00096093 Leadership
LRDS 201
Azusa Pacific University
Top ten takeaways
Leaders need to know their tasks and team/ followers. It is essential to build trust and if one knows the people they are working with they are better placed to guide them, generate trust and good communication.
A leader must have the will to carry out a vision, a mission and a goal.
Self- assessment is important to lead effectively. Self- assessment of leadership skills and styles helps to make better decisions and influence others.
Leaders must have good communication skills - A good leader knows how to use good communication skills, which helps to influence others, negotiate and resolve conflicts.
Keep developing your people- Leaders ought to create an environment that is conducive, to work, support and recognize who deserves recognition, while mentoring others where possible.
Focus on Humility- This is the ability to realize that leadership has nothing to do with the leader, but with serving the people and what they need.
Good leaders value both the results and relationships with stakeholders, especially followers or employees.
Leaders strive to create a culture of trust, where freedom, respect, autonomy, encouragement and positive reinforcement are prioritized.
Leadership is based on trust, and leaders should live by example and act as a leader in a way consistent with the values ​​that are manifested.
Developing leadership skills and abilities in a faith-based learning community has a positive impact on servant leadership.
Impact personally and professionally
The course has helped me understand the impotence whole-person leadership development where self assessment and assessment by others indicate my perspectives on leadership as well as strengths and weaknesses. I focus more on continual learning and empowering stewardship after taking the course, and this has helped me personally, as I have a greater understanding my strengths , weaknesses, skills values and interests which allows me to influence others. Previously, I understood leadership as mostly being influencing others, but now I am more likely to focus on mentorship and be an agent of change.
The leadership course highlights the importance of developing competencies, skills and knowledge the leadership to maximize human capital to contribute value to one’s professional life. This helps my career planning and development as I will focus on acquiring more relevant skills and expertise through training and development (Pihlainen, Kivinen & Lammintakanen, 2016). Fur...
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