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Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare: Ethical Considerations and Future Implications

Essay Instructions:

You’ll start this project by finding a conference that fits your academic interests and that you could imagine submitting your work to, making sure that your topic fits within the spirit of the conference. You will respond to a prompt provided by that conference and/or specific panel’s call for papers. Some of these will be really specific, while others will be super broad. Your job is to respond appropriately to whichever call for papers you choose, which basically means there is no predetermined prompt here. You can write about whatever you want, whether that be a super fun literary analysis or a less fun economic projection (for two examples), but keep in mind that conferences are all about joining the academic conversation in your field. I highly recommend that you incorporate sources to support your ideas.

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Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare: Ethical Considerations and Future Implications
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Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare: Ethical Considerations and Future Implications
Conference: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Health (ICAIH)
The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has made it possible for a wide range of applications in many industries, including healthcare. Examining these discoveries' ethical issues and long-term effects is vital as AI technology integration becomes more pervasive in healthcare systems (Stanfill & Marc, 2019). The proposed study intends to investigate the impact of AI on healthcare and provide light on the moral problems and possible outcomes that may develop in this situation.
The study will use a mixed-methods approach, integrating qualitative and quantitative research techniques. First, a thorough literature analysis will examine the information available on AI in healthcare and its ethical implications. This analysis will make it easier to understand the present status of AI implementation, its advantages, and future difficulties (Stanfill & Marc, 2019). Additionally, qualitative interviews with policy-makers, AI specialists, and healthcare practitioners will be performed to learn more about their perspectives on AI ethics in healthcare. The study will investigate instances of AI deployments in healthcare by analyzing numerous case studies. This study aims to pinpoint practical ethical problems like data privacy, prejudice, and accountability (Stanfill & Marc, 2019). The study will also examine how AI affects the experiences of healthcare workers and patients while taking possible risks and advantages for each stakeholder into account.
The purpose of this study is to utilize the data to provide ethical frameworks and rules that will regulate the use of AI in healthcare, ensuring that it is implemented responsibly and in the best interests of patients. The study's findings will further the academic conversation on healthcare AI ethics and educate politicians, healthcare institutions, and practitioners on the moral issues and concerns surrounding AI integration (Karimian et al., 2022). I hope to interact with top scholars and specialists in the field, participate in debates, and get insightful feedback by presenting my study at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Health (ICAIH). This conference provides an excellent forum for experts interested in AI's moral and responsible application in healthcare to discuss research, network, and cooperate (Karimian et al., 2022). Presenting at ICAIH will further my academic and professional goals by enabling me to add to the existing dialogue in this area and encouraging prospective team-ups for future research projects.
AI has emerged as a disruptive technology with considerable potential to alter a variety of industries, including healthcare. The capacity of artificial intelligence (AI) to process massive quantities of data, discern patterns, and make autonomous choices has resulted in the creation of novel applications in medical ...
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