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Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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Essay about Primitivism. Artists and Movements in the late 19th and early 20th century

Essay Instructions:

Primitivism is a concept we have explored in connection to a number of different
artists and movements in the late 19th century and early 20th century.
For this question, respond to all of the following questions/prompts:
1. What were the values European artists ascribed to “primitive”/non-Western cultures, and how did these values change the way Western artists conceived of art making?
2. What was the broader cultural, social and political context out of which primitivism emerged? Choose one artwork (the artwork is attached) viewed in class that can be characterized as “primitivist” and describe how it represents theses cultural, social, and political values in terms of form and content.
3. To conclude your essay, choose one work was discussed in the readings (reading is attached) that presents a positive counter-image or challenge to primitivism.

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The Europeans viewed the art of Africans as primitive or non-western. They did not even regard the paintings and sculptures as art. For them, the African culture was not unique, abstract; it was replaceable, it had been brought out commonly, and it was also utilitarian. Therefore it was something that had serious flaws due to their cultural evolutionism. The perceptions that the western people had towards the non-western art changes towards the 20th century. Artists such as Pablo Picasso and Andre Derain changed that prejudice by turning their focus to study non-western art. They realized that non-western art judgment should be rooted in the values of the West and nothing else. The non-western art turned out to be stylistic motivation for various artists to study modern art. Abstraction from non-western art is...
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