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CORE-UA 541Cultures and Contexts: Atlantic Encounters Paper Assignment

Essay Instructions:

CORE-UA 541 Cultures and Contexts: Atlantic Encounters Paper Assignment # 2 Fall ’19 Choose one of the six topics below and write a three-page paper in response. All papers should be double-spaced in twelve point Times New Roman font with oneinch margins. Upload your paper through NYU Classes by noon on Tuesday, October 8th. Unless otherwise notified by your section instructor, you will also be asked to provide a paper copy in class at 3:30 PM. Respond to the question(s) of your choice with a formal essay. Your paper should have an introduction that states a thesis, provide evidence from the primary source in support of that thesis, and offer a conclusion that discusses the significance of the argument you have made. In discussing the primary source, describe the historical context in which it was produced and received. Analyze as much as you can about when, where, why, by whom and for whom it was created. Consider its reception and influence both at the time it was produced and in later decades and centuries. Discuss also the genre of the document. What kind of writing or source is it? What are the special formal attributes of this kind of source? What is the tone of the source? Consider what kinds of ideas and information this type of source conveys most clearly and what limitations are inherent in this type of source? Your paper should use specific supporting examples and quotations from throughout the book you choose to write about. (Please follow the Chicago Manual of Style for footnoting; you will get instructions on this in section.) SEE NEXT PAGE FOR QUESTION OPTIONS CHOOSE ONE Questions on Towrson, First Voyage Made to the Coast of Guinea: 1. How does Towrson interact diplomatically with the African and European groups he encounters on his voyage? What can his account tell us about English approaches to foreign policy, and European political interactions with African leaders during this period? 2. Towrson spends much time describing African social practices and at times directly compares those practices to English ways of being. What aspects of African life does he value and what aspects does he find strange? What does his characterization of those values say about English intentions on the West Coast of Africa? 3. In Towrson's account of his 1555 voyage to Guinea, we see a range of commodities being traded between the English and the inhabitants of the West Africa coast. What can these commodities, and the different values ascribed to them, tell us about the role of England within African trade circuits, and about England's status relative to other European powers at the time? Questions on Las Casas, A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies 1. What aspects of Spanish colonization (and actions by Spanish colonists) in the Americas does Las Casas consider just vs. unjust and why? How are his ideas of justice informed by his Christian beliefs? 2. The Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies contains descriptions of events Las Casas himself witnessed, as well as testimony he obtained from other sources. How does his handling of these materials differ, and what rhetorical strategies does Las Casas adopt in an effort to make his text into coherent whole? 3. According to Las Casas, Spanish behavior in the Indies violated natural rights and natural law, as well as civil and divine laws. How does he weigh the influence of these overlapping influences on the Spanish legal system? What does his emphasis on one or another say about Spanish theories of colonization?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Paper Assignment 2
Towrson spends much time describing African social practices and at times directly compares those practices to English ways of being. What aspects of African life does he value and what aspects does he find strange? What does his characterization of those values say about English intentions on the West Coast of Africa?
In 1555, William Towrson and his captain in the company of the other three men set out from London to the coast of Guinea for trade purposes. The group used two ships for the journey, which took several months before completion. The merchants meet people with different cultures throughout their trading periods, and Towrson is keen to observe all the variations from English ways of living. People originating from different areas and for these matter continents must portray different social practices and techniques of life. As the traders interact with various people, Towrson discovers a significant disparity in culture and how the African people handle specific issues. As William Towrson interacts with people in Guinea, he realizes various aspects of African culture. The elements get revealed in their social practices whereby he judges some methods valuable and acceptable and others way to strange and different from the English way of living.
In one incident, Towrson comes across a group of people who live together in peace. The individuals represented in this community are gentle with each other and value the welfare of everyone in the city. The society not only values their people but also strangers and visitors. Once the group of five merchants appears to this community, they are received well, and the individuals show great love to the visitors. The action captures Williams's attention, and he can't take anything for granted. The man could not help but record the incident in his narration. These merchants carry out their trading activities in the community comfortably as they exchange what they had with the inhabitants at this particular place. Towrson and his group had a significant aim of trading and improving the west coast of African. The people in this community benefit from the objectives as they successfully trade with the foreigners and end up getting what they can't produce.[Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, 29. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1889.]
Most people in African society are hospitable and generous, and they like a reciprocation of the same deeds. As Towrson and his fellow merchants sailed across the sea, they meet some Africans in boats, and after giving them bread, they take the pieces and consume them gladly. It's also strange how the sailors trusted strangers to ...
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