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Business & Marketing
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Marketing Analysis and Strategy: Soft Drink Manufacturing Industry

Essay Instructions:

This thesis is a two-choice topic. I only uploaded the file of the first topic, because if the second one needs to be uploaded, there are too many school websites, and you cannot enter it, so I choose the first topic.

This assignment is an individual assignment. 
The MARK3015 module offers two choices of assessment:
a. Industry Analysis ReportStudents can choose any industry, though there is also the option of taking one of the ‘live’ businesses, and write a report covering he following aspects: the current players in the market and how they differentiate their offerings in terms of consumer trends and motivations; external factors affecting the market and trends or predicted trends that businesses are responding to or will have to respond to in the future. (3000 words)
b. X-Culture ProjectThe X-Culture project is a collaborative effort of dozens of instructors around the world who strive to enhance learning in their International Management/Business courses by providing their students with an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in international collaboration and cross-cultural communication. Participating students are assigned to international teams of 5-6 members that are tasked to prepare a business proposal for a large multi-national company, each being a leader in a particular industry. For more detailed information on the project, please visit: 
This optional assessment is being added to enhance the international experience of students, and give practical, contextual involvement in an international group experience. This is especially important for students who will be embarking on a career in an international business and will be engaged in global, collaborative projects. 
Every year, thousands of students and professionals from over 40 countries take part in the X-Culture competition (as part of a university assessment). For two months, they work together on live business projects presented by corporate partners. They collaborate and learn the challenges of working in global virtual teams, working across different time zones and cultures whilst learning best practices of international business consulting.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Module code: MARK3015
Module title: Marketing Analysis & Strategy
P number:
Tutor: (name of your seminar tutor)
Table of Contents 1.0      Executive Summary. 3 2.0 Introduction. 4 3.0 Industry Analysis. 4 3.1 Players in the Industry. 4 3.1.1 Coca-Cola. 4 3.1.2 PepsiCo. 5 3.1.3 Cadbury Schweppes. 5 3.1.4 Keurig Dr. Pepper 6 3.1.5 Monster Beverage Corporation. 6 3.2 Consumer Trends and Motivations. 6 3.3 External Factors. 7 3.3.1 Disruptions due to COVID-19. 7 3.3.2 Inflation. 8 3.3.3 Changes in the Regulatory Environment 9 3.3.4 Concerns about Data Privacy. 10 3.4 Current and Future Consumer Trends. 11 3.4.1 Health and Wellness. 11 3.4.2 Sustainability. 12 3.4.3 Experiential Marketing. 13 4.0 References. 15 1 Executive Summary
The soft drink manufacturing industry involves the production and distribution of non-alcoholic, carbonated, and non-carbonated, flavoured beverages. These beverages are often sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners and may also contain other ingredients such as caffeine, vitamins, or herbs. The soft drink industry is a global industry with a wide range of players, including large multinational corporations and smaller regional or national companies. Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Cadbury Schweppes, Keurig Dr. Pepper, and Monster Beverage Corporation are all major players in the soft drink manufacturing industry.
An analysis of the industry reveals four main external factors that companies in the industry have to address to maintain profitability. Notably, the resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic in China raises concerns that companies will have to experience uncertainties associated with the pandemic. Inflationary pressures have introduced significant challenges in the pricing strategies applied by major players in the industry. Also, the companies have to continually respond to changes in the regulatory environment of the jurisdictions in which the companies operate. Data and information security are also major concerns for the major players in the industry.
Three emerging consumer trends are likely to have a significant influence on the actions of the players in the industry. First, companies have to respond to the increasing demand for healthy beverage alternatives. Second, companies are expected to take measures that show their commitment to environmental stewardship. Third, experiential marketing is emerging as an important marketing approach for players in the industry.
2.0 Introduction
The soft drink manufacturing industry covers companies that are primarily involved in the manufacture of beverages. Beverages are a class of liquid food that is usually taken as a source of hydration or energy. Notably, the beverages are mainly manufactured using edible acids, flavours, and sweeteners and are usually served at differing temperatures depending on the consumer’s preference (Zhang 2019). Some of the major players in the soft drink manufacturing industry include Coca-Cola, Cadbury Schweppes, and PepsiCo, among others. The industry was valued at USD 416.19 billion as of 2021. In the present report, an analysis of the industry is presented.
3.0 Industry Analysis
3.1 Players in t...
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