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Visual & Performing Arts
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Arts and Culture Visual Analysis Assignment. Visual & Performing Arts

Essay Instructions:

This is an analysis paper for an Art history course, but this assignment is related to visual analysis, so I am not sure which subject area it is. If it needs to be changed, please inform me at once. The requirements are attached, please read through it thoroughly. Thank you!

Google Arts and Culture Visual Analysis Assignment
Due May 21 at 9PM
As we observed during our discussion of Georges Seurat, Google Arts and Culture is a pretty amazing resource with seemingly impossibly high-resolution images of many artworks. This assignment asks you to compose a well-written, incisive visual analysis of one artwork available on Google Arts and Culture (see list of options below). This is not a research-based assignment; it asks you to practice incisive visual analysis and apply ideas learned in class. Devote 200-300 words to each of the following 3 prompts:
1. What style or combination of styles do you see this artwork mobilizing? Does the artist employ one style but make adjustments (embrace specific tenets, reject others) to serve a specific purpose? Justify your answer. Use your eyes and reasoning. Do not just state whatever style a website might use to categorize the artist. Those can be misleading, as they might apply to only one portion of an artist’s long career.  
2. This artwork has a core subject matter (visible in the work and/or stated in the title). How does the artist characterize this subject matter? What does the artist have to say about the core subject at hand? Your first sentence should offer a thesis regarding the specific message the artist proposes about the subject matter. Then, use incisive visual analysis, carefully arranged ideas, and articulate phrasing to support your argument. (I am not looking for one single correct answer for each image; I’m looking for a convincing, well-reasoned, well-informed argument. Lectures and at-home exercises help you practice this skill.)
          How should you get started? Start brainstorming broadly. Write down all of your observations about the work. Think about the choices the artist made while developing it. What decisions did the artist make regarding formal/visual components (i.e. color, composition, tone, scale, juxtaposition with other subjects, setting, etc.)? What did the artist choose to include and exclude, to highlight and downplay? What strikes you as interesting or surprising about the artist’s representation of the subject? How might the artist be responding to society’s treatment of the subject? To art history’s treatment of the subject? There are of course additional matters—ideas sparked by the specific artwork—that you will wish to consider. You do not need to address every issue listed above. In fact, a bad, unfocused response would attempt to address all of those topics. Those are simply prompts---a way for me to help you dive into the work without actually being with you. You should develop a thesis centered on one core idea. Then, spend the rest of this passage proving that thesis.
3. Finally, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with viewing artworks on a digital platform versus in person in a museum. Briefly discuss what is lost and gained through each type of experience.  
At the top of the first page of your assignment, be sure to include your name as well as the artwork’s artist, title, and date. Please name the file LAST NAME_Visual Analysis 
Note: While this assignment is available at the very beginning of the quarter, I recommend waiting until at least Week 5 to do this project, since course content through Week 5/6 will help you with this assignment (depending which artwork you select).Writing tips: Use the most specific, detailed, and vivid language possible. Vague generalizations are the enemy. Also, avoid passive language. Limit how often your select the verb “is/was,” as that’s your opportunity for a better, more specific verb. Avoid first person narration.
Choose 1 of the artworks listed below (in no particular order): (title: Seated Figure, constructed with blocks) (title: crowd of spearmen)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Arts and Culture Visual Analysis
Self-portrait on the 6th wedding anniversary is one of the visual arts that are present on Google Arts and Culture online platform. Paula Modersohn-Becker made the 101,8 cm by 70,2 cm painting in 1906 (GAC 1). Paula then placed the portrait in his Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum in Bremen. In the portrait, Paula paints herself as standing, with the upper part of her body being naked while a white skirt with a blue tinge covers her lower body from the waist downwards. Being fully pregnant, she places her right hand above her abdomen while the left hand frames the parts below the abdomen (Shirland 426). In combination, the arms form an S-shape which gets even better when combined with the orange-beaded necklace on her neck (GAC 1). Through this portrait, Paula exhibits the different styles that artists use in their work. The painting also presents a subject matter that is unique to it. This article visually analyses Paula’s painting.
In this portrait, Paula used the expressionist artistic style to express her emotions and intentions as she moved from her matrimonial home to embark on her painting career (Shirland 426). The style is also applicable because it does not depict the reality of what was happening at that time but rather, aims at revealing inner intentions that the artist had. For example, the portrait depicts her as pregnant when in reality, she was not physically pregnant. The entire simplicity and reality of the portrait also shows post-imperialism. The vividness of the spring green color on the background, the brown hair, orange necklace, white bluish skirt, S-shape geometry, and the light skin color are all depictions of post-imperialism (GAC 1). The life-likeness of the portrait also promotes the same artistic style.
The subject matter that Paula intended to express in the portrait is her liberation from the culture she had gotten married to which she left after her 6th anniversary to embark on her painting career in Paris. Having been born in Dresden and grown up in Bremen, Paula lived a classy life with her family. Having lived a city life throughout, Paula, however, chose to embrace country living after her marriage to Otto Modersohn (Shirland 429). While leaving among peasants in Worpswede, Paula chose to adopt a natural and simple life combined with a purity of youth which she enjoyed at the moment. However, country living presented an obstacle to her career, making her to leave her marriage in preference to her career (Shirland 429).
The image on the portrait also presents the subject even more subtly. At the time she was leaving Modersohn, Paula was not pre...
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