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1 page/≈275 words
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Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Online Identity: Context Collapse and Privacy and Authenticity

Essay Instructions:

write a 250-300-word reflection based on the reading.
Students must draw on atleast one concept that is discussed a across the readings of the week and are encouraged to reflect upon how they think about and relate to t he concept in their lives or in relation to other concepts discussed in the course.

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Context Collapse and Privacy, and Authenticity
The week's readings explored the ideas of "context collapse and privacy" and "authenticity" in the context of online identity and social media. These ideas have become increasingly important in our daily lives as we traverse the digital world. When I think about these concepts, they help clarify the complex dynamics and difficulties we encounter online.
"Context collapse" resonated with me because it brings to light the challenges of online personas. In the actual world, we may modify our actions and mannerisms according to the audience (Marwick 361). However, we frequently engage with many groups at once on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, which might cause disputes in rules and interpretations (Marwick 360). The possibility that a seemingly innocent message might have unforeseen implications when seen by other groups of people has made me more careful abou

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