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Haynes/Linker/Loughran analysis paper History Essay

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Same as the last two analysis paper. We are old friend.hhhh.

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Haynes Loughran Analysis Paper
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Policing the Social Boundaries of the American Medical Association
The formative years of the American Medical Association were quite trying for the medical professionals. This was a time of great sociopolitical upheaval, as the American landscape was torn between the prevailing norms and new ideas. Douglas Haynes, in the article Policing the social boundaries of the American Medical Association, 1847-70, takes a look into how racial inequality affected the professionalism of the American Medical Association. The decision in 1870 to deny black delegates access to a national meeting in Washington spearheaded an important achievement towards the attainment of equal rights for people of black color. Here we look at how some decisions had consequences on American Medicine study.
The American Medical Association was started in 1847 in order to create a work environment hose sole purpose was to improve the study and practice of medicine. The association was race free as it had representation for both blacks and whites and used to hold meeting in states that were considered slave/border states (175). The issue of gender discrimination was also looked at and the association allowed all genders to take part in the study and practice of medicine. The issue of female practitioners as especially advocated for by Henry I Boditch who was the then chairman of the AMA.He believed in a code of ethics which he defined as “men and women in their rules and in their penalties.”
His views did not seat well with some of the white members of the association especially one by the name Nathan Davis who led in opposing it.He w...
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