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Trump First 100 Day: Leadership And Management Assignment

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Trump First 100 Day
Leadership and management usually have one thing in common; that there is always a scorecard or some form of comparison between the incumbent and his or her predecessors. Such comparisons usually range depending on a number of aspects thereof, including performance and legacy. Quite often, legacies are often obliterated, or established, based on the ideals that one stands for. When it comes to leadership in the form of a political office, the same applies too. Presidents are always compered to their predecessors, and while the circumstances might be different between their own and those of their predecessors, it doesn’t change the ‘marking scheme.’ Being the president of the United States is perhaps what brings this notion into clear perspective. It entails handling not only issues within the nation’s boundaries, but also those affecting the globe at large. The current president, Donald Trump, ascended to power against all odds. He became the first president who had not occupied any prior political office. He has however, taken the hot seat amid a number of issues going on both in the country and the world at large.
The first 100 days for any American president has been very crucial and President’s Trump’s case cannot be any different. As earlier noted, it is a scorecard of its own, though the time might be so brief, it is a measuring yard for the burning ambition of the president-elect ad the immediate impact that might have been felt thereof. Although it is a journalistic invention, the first 100 days sees the achievements made by a president when their political power is at peak. First 100 days was invented when Franklin D. Roosevelt launched his new deal in the first 100 days to come up with bills that jump started the bad economy by then and since then, every other president has been judged on their success or failure of their first 100 days. Americans and the entire world are watching very closely on what would be the achievement of the President elect since he took power in January 20th 2017.
During the campaign trail, a lot was happening in the world. Radical Islamism and terrorism were the headlines, with the likes of ISIS taking Centre stage. Belgium had just suffered a serious terrorist attack at its airport, while France had suffered another at one of its cinema halls. The West was literally drowning in security measures. There was also some diplomatic tension between America and Russia. The issues between Ukraine and Russia had also brought about some strain, especially amongst the NATO allies. Back home, the economy was more or less at a plateau stage. No more jobs were being created, or if they were, it was a very small percentage. Due to the terrorist threats all over the world, national security was therefore a matter of much concern too. The issue of immigration, especially from Mexico, compounded the whole scenario about jobs and national security.
While delivering his inauguration address as the 45th president of the United States, he promised to bring back jobs, secure American borders, and bring back wealth and American dreams. The American Dream is much like the dream of prosperity, whereby citizens manage to live ...
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