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Western Civilization: Political and Ecclesiastical Issues

Essay Instructions:

1. Read the following selection on Henry II and Thomas à Becket from William of Newburgh’s Historia rerum Anglicarum (History of English Affairs):
Using this source and your text, write an essay of 700-900 words answering the following questions:
What political and ecclesiastical issues resulted in the Investiture controversy?
Compare and contrast the conflict between Henry II and Becket to the Investiture controversy.
How are the characters of both Henry and Thomas portrayed in William of Newburgh’s narrative?
What results did this conflict have for the English monarchy and for the English Church? What happened to Becket?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Western Civilization
Investiture controversy developed in the mid-11th century when the state and church had a significant fight in Europe, especially by the Roman Empire. The Investiture controversy was resolved with the concordat of warms when the church got powers to control investiture along with other reforms. The controversy resulted in civil war for over fifty years after the failure to end imperial power formed by previous emperors. Germany triumphed over the great dukes and abbots. Here are an analysis and little comparison of the events between the church and the state witnessed and recorded in the reading.
Political and Ecclesiastical Issues
A group within the church known as Gregorian Reform started the crisis when they rebelled against the rule of Simony. The activities included taking power forcefully from the ruling secular power and replacing it within the capabilities of the church. Blumenthal indicated that the Gregorian reformers understood that it would not be easy to succeed if the emperor maintained the ability to appoint the pope (1166). The reformers courageously took a step in gaining papacy from the emperor able to control chaplaincy activities.
After Henry IV became the German King, the reformers took advantage of his age and influenced papacy seizure by force (1165). By an indication that God is the only one who created power and had control over everything, the reformers thought it would be easy to recognize God and His appointed servants concerning earthly powers.
Comparison and Contrast
In comparing conflict between Henry IV and Becket to that of Investiture controversy, both cases had close relatives and family members appointed in church offices. Leadership rotated amongst people of the same blood. The family members had more trust from the appointing authorities on their abilities to remain loyal. It is evident that in both cases, each appointed person worked seriously and focused on delivering the best by terming their work as God’s purpose (1167). Working diligently is observed in both scenarios; Becket worked on behalf of his boss to the extent of presenting him in court matters. On the other side of Investiture controversy, those who worked towards gaining papacy powers made sure that, all energy exercised was fully recognized.
Investiture controversy contrasts with Henry IV and Becket based on wishing advancement for every individual living in Europe ...
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