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Compare Death of a Salesman to A Streetcar Named Desire

Essay Instructions:

For your essay exam, write a 500-word essay over One of the following prompt/ The essay will NOT require any use of secondary sources. Please format according to MLA style and include the required in-text citations and Works Cited page for the primary sources being compared.
2. Compare Death of a Salemans to Raisin in the Sun. How is the traditional American dream represented in each of the plays? Compare the dream as represented by one character from each play. For example, Willy and Walter Lee or Happy and Beneatha.
The name of my Literature book is The Norton Introduction To Literature by Kelly J Mays 12th Edition
The A Raisin IN The Sun by Lorraine Hansberry's page 1446 -1520
The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller pages 1709-1775

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Death of a Salesman
The tradition of the American culture is well brought by two literature short stories; Death of a salesman by Arthur Miller and A Raisin in the sun by Lorrain Hansberry. The culture of making it big in life, the struggle for being wealthy, and being the “top-dog” is a character among the American people, especially the men. Both men from each of the stories are seen struggling to make it in life by taking significant risks. Despite having different backgrounds, they struggle to the extent of risking their families' happiness. This discussion compares the two stories, including the dreams of some characters in the stories.
There are similarities between the two stories; for example, the fathers are both the principal characters of the plays. They are the main characters, and they are seen to pursue their dreams of being their own bosses by owning businesses. They try to take whatever it takes to see their dreams come true. They both dream of living a wealthy life in the future. For example, when Walter says, "No--It was always money, Mama. We didn't know about it" (Hansberry, 1462). Walter had identified starting a liquor business as the best he can start up his dreams. When his mum receives her husband's life insurance cheque, Walter lee persuades her to be given the cash to invest in the business. When he is given, he trusts the so-called friend by the name Willy and gives him the money to invest for him. Willy at the end, disappears with the cash, which leaves Walter to start again from scratch. Willy on the other hand, gets involved in an affair instead of helping his family this makes him feel guilty which he ends up killing himself.
Another comparison is between Linda from the death of a salesman and L...
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