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Film’s View of Women

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Film’s View of Women
Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon has two female leads—Yu Shu Lien and Jen—as well as a female villain, Jade Fox, who are used to support the film’s feminist view. The film relies on romance and action to make a social statement about how women are portrayed in society (Abele 124). Through the use of mainly women characters, the film has been able to offer a gender commentary while supporting the need for female empowerment and equality.
The lives of the three main female characters are intertwined as they try to find a missing sword. Shu Lien is a famous warrior who has dignity and strength. She knows her goals and powers. However, she feels that she is limited due to patriarchal norms, loyalty and duty, which makes it harder for her to follow her dreams and desires (Abele 125). A murderer and thief by night and a governess by day, the angry Jade Fox desperately wants control. She is filled with vengeance and fury since she is now allowed to learn the Wudang skills, and this is attributed to her gender. Jen is the governor’s daughter and also has a role as Jade Fox’s secret apprentice (Abele 124). She steals the show with her reliable attributes that include being a fierce warrior, strong-willed, fiery, and impetuous. Jen is keen to deviate from the gendered expectations placed on her by the society and family since she is an aristocrat (Abele 124). She does not comply, obey or agree to anyone, whether it’s a warrior, a friend or a lover who admires her. She is focused on making her own decisions about how she lives without interference from others.
Even though the film features several male characters such as Li Mu Bei who are regarded as respected and strong-willed warriors, the female characters are also viewed as highly skilled with unquestionable...
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