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Some Reflections on The Analects

Essay Instructions:

The prompt can be something random, maybe just a topic in The Analects. And please include some quotations (very important) that you base your thoughts on and explain why you think that way.
Do not include too much quotes from the end of the book, and try to focus on the first part of the book because we just started the class and we have not read that much of the book.
I will attached some examples in the attachments.
There is no need for MLA citation at the last, you just need to do in text citation, if it is hard to get page number, then there can be none.

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Reflections on the Analects
While reading The Analects, one gathers that Confucius emphasized the importance of learning as one seeks to pursue life. Learning to him laid the foundation for what was to come later in life. He notes that “at fifteen I set my heart on learning; at thirty I took my stand; at forty I came to be free from doubts; at fifty I understood the Decree of Heaven; at sixty my ear was attuned; at seventy I followed my heart’s desire without overstepping the line” (Analects 2:5). From the above, one notices that learning comes before everything else in life. It lays the foundation for the milestones that come after in life. The above notion is further enhanced in another instance where Confucius ties everything else in life to learning. He notes that benevolence, cleverness, trustworthiness in word, forthrightness, courage, and unbending strength are all facets or the results of learning (Analects 17:8). Without learning, all these virtues deviate from their path and lead one to other undesirable vices that curtail one’s progress and pursuance of purpose.
It is also evident while reading The Analects that Confucius believed that time ought to be spent learning. Many instances exist when mankind chooses less strenuous ways to spend their time while avoiding all cues to enhance themselves through the acquisition of more knowledge. However, Confucius advises that it is better to spend one’s time learning instead of engaging in such. To h...
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