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Playing Games to Improve the Quality of Sources Used by Students

Essay Instructions:

Summarize attached article. And answer the following question, Explain whether you think the method explained in the article to help undergraduates to engage with MLA citation would be useful to you. i think its helpful and useful.

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Playing Games to Improve the Quality of Sources Used by Students in their Citations
The authors, Markey, Leeder, and Taylor (123), attempts to establish the appropriateness of the information knowledge game in BiblioBouts that improves the quality of sources that undergraduate students use in their written assignments. BiblioBouts was a game that was integrated into a second-year English course involving 45 students where half of the students failed to participate in the game or were unable to complete the challenge. In BiblioBouts, the researchers came out with a hypothesis that the quality of references the players used in their writing would largely improve as they played the game.
In particular, the players would cite more credible, authentic, and scholarly sources in their papers compared to those who did not participate. 90 percent of the participants cited scholarly sources, although their score in citing scholarly sources dropped by 44.6 percent as they transitioned to their final assignments (Markey, Leader and Taylor 128). However, this score surpassed the 33.2 percent of the scholarly sources that were used by the non-participants. Markey, Leeder, and Taylor suggest that the parti...
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