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Below. Technology is not as inevitable as it sounds

Essay Instructions:

Topic : sheet on the paper that I sent you
-pick one of those (issue /technology )
- creative writing and narrative essay
-Makes it funny
-no reference from research
- at least 420 words
- you should write to follow the sheet of “ Element of a narrative essay” and write beginning, middle and ending
Make sure you should write (fill in ) sheet completely before write an full essay
I ordered 1 source but it might be 3. Sources
Because I need you to write begging and middle and ending as I mentioned

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Technology is not as inevitable as it sounds
This meeting showed that many people have misconceptions about modern technology. The discussion held showed that they think that embracing modern technology is easy and compulsory, and end up having unrealistic expectations on technology. However, they later learnt that it is time for humanity to wake up, as a hi-tech dystopian future is not as inevitable as it seems.
Less than a decade ago, it was determined that air travel was ready to embrace superjumbos, but this was closely followed by Airbus’ ceasing of manufacturing the fastest passenger jets. Early one morning, the Chief Executive Officer convened a meeting with the departmental managers and stakeholders, with the agenda of discussing the future of Airbus and their expectations of modern technology.
As the meeting progressed, the Managing Director in charge of production was allowed to address the flow. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began. "For a long time, we have sought ways of ensuring that modern technology is incorporated in all our production and sales," he continued. "However, how often do we evaluate market preferences? Recently, our sales volumes speak only one thing that the current trends in the market only favor crafts that are smaller and more fuel-efficient. It is time to change our course!"
The team would be in for a ...
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